I am finding that i hoard blank sketchbooks (not to mention the full ones). As in, i'll already have my sketchbook that i'm doing stuff in, & then go somewhere & find a nice cheap book that i'll get. I have.... quite a few of these.
The thing is that lots of them are very small, & some of them have different paper. For the size, i'm used to, like, 8x11" books. Right now i just started my first sole book (well, that contains all the stuff that goes into my main sketchbooks) that is smaller than that, & i've been trying to get used to it. It's so weird not having a huge space to fill up with stuff, & it's thinner, too. I've had a teeny Moleskinnie before, but that was in conjunction with the usual, larger book. And then there's two of them with fancier paper, as in it was made from fiber & stuff like that & the one was handmade in India. I'm kind of loath to use either as a sketchbook proper, since not only do i like to just mess around in sketchbooks (don't want paper that's too precious), but also, fancier paper has a tendency to make me work differently than if i were working on less fancier paper. (This also holds true for schoolwork; something about fancier/more expensive/more serious paper just makes things difficult for me.)
So! The whole point of this is to ask what you guys would do, maybe, if confronted with unfamiliar book formats, & what you would use "fancier" books for. I usually don't like splitting things up into seperate books, but i'm kind of at a loss, & it'd be interesting to hear any suggestions & ideas. :)
I hope this made sense. OTL