what's happening

Apr 15, 2009 09:42

been a while so I thought I would post a little update.
Back in Seattle again for a while. Spent a few awesome weeks in SF. going to head back up to Canada in
few weeks. I think I am going to buy a friends mitsubishi montero so i will have wheels and be able to
get around to see everyone. will be back in SF in early June if I can and will staying in Victoria
for a couple of weeks from Sept 21. I will be house sitting in Victoria with a spare room if anyone wants to
come up for a visit.
Things are going pretty well considering I am living out of a suitcase. Saw filastine from tchkung play last saturday and had a blast seeing everyone. might go down to portland this weekend.
Have been reading a imperial asston of books. the best of are:
Clowngirl (about a sweet fuckup clown in the ghetto)
An Unexpected Light (brtish writers travels in Afghanistan over a couple of decades. quite fact filled)
What am I doing here by Bruce Chatwin (a collection of short pieces about people he met and places he went compiled after his death) I had read songlines ages ago and quite like his writing very educated and opiniated)

Have been thinking alot about traveling maybe to Iran to see some of the great persian sites and experience
the zoroastrian eternal flame. it would be great to go to afghanistan as well but might n it be practical.
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