I'm a whiner when it comes to fanfiction.
I can't help it. And I'm not even talking about catching the occasional bad!fic. What I'm talking about is reviews. *stops to pet the reviews, good, lovely reviews* About two months ago I released a prologue, and got a smashing 3 reviews...posted on 3 sites. This prologue was for my first attempt at something truly mainstream, at least the story was planned that way, the prologue was more of my style still.
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself a good author. I especially don't consider myself a good fanfic author. But, I do consider myself a review whore. I can't help it, I love getting reviews. I even love flames when I know it's because I got under someones skin.
And my prologue flopped.
And I haven't written anything more for it.
So, I went back and did a one shot that was truly in my style. No Harry on screen, character death after character death after character death after character death. Squeamish moments, angst, and blood. All in 2500 words.
And already I have 7 reviews...on 1 site. And waking up today to four of them really makes my day so far. Today, I want to write. I haven't truly wanted to write in a long time. A long time.
And I love the mixed reactions. One says they cried, one says they gagged, one says they cringed, one says they shuddered, everyone is saying they had a reaction. Based on my words. God that's a wonderful feeling. I haven't got a flame for this one...yet...but I'd bet money it will probably come. And if it comes today, it'll really make my day. Well, if it's one like the one I ripped here once before. My second flame ever wasn't all that fun, but that was only cos the person who left it wasn't all that verbose.
Damn, I get sidetracked easily.
Oh yeah, the point.
The point is, I love reviews. So much that I'm going to take time out of writing and web designing today to find a oneshot of an author I've never read before and review them. A true review of a oneshot I like. This brings me to two challenges I'll leave in front of the cut, you didn't really need to listen to all the blah before participating. ;)
Challenge for today: It's the first of September! Students are on the Express yeah? Make one of their days! The challenge is to find a story/drabble/oneshot/art piece of someone you've never heard of. Find someone who has done something good, and leave them a review. Make their day. You know it'll do you good in how you feel about fandom as a whole.
Challenge Number 2: Anyone have a good oneshot to rec?