Studying my way, that is. This apparently involves getting distracted by trying to apply concepts learned in class to things in the real world, which is too often harder than it should be*.
So, anyway, I found
this article the other day and had a wtf double-take reaction to it. Since when do they promote using nicotine, methamphetamine, and non-prescription Adderall?
My sociology textbook provided an answer: the same reason that white-collar criminals (e.g., Martha Stewart) don't get stigmatized. These drugs produce societally-valued outcomes, that is, productivity.
An alternative explanation, also provided by my Sociology text, suggests that Wired is part of a counter-culture in which participants (who are not deviant relative to the counter-culture) pursue alternative goals using alternative methods.
This counts as prepping for my exam, right?
*STATISTICS PROFESSOR: "So you do a chi-squared distribution. Any questions?"
ME: "Yes. When will you ever use this?"
STATISTICS PROFESSOR: "I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Just do the math; that's the important part."
Dear Professor:
No, no it isn't. Not even a little bit.
In other news, does anyone know what shiny new functionality the Microsoft Office 2007 suite is supposed to have? Because whatever it is, I can't find it. I also can't find about half the functionality the old versions had. I suspect it's another shining example of Microsoft proprietary bullshit (see: not able to downgrade from Vista to XP), and this really pisses me off.