Representative Thaddeus G. McCotter, Republican of Michigan, whose district is just outside Detroit, expressed frustration over the ousting of Mr. Wagoner...
G.M.’s share of its most important market, the United States, declined steadily under Mr. Wagoner. In 1994, when he took charge of North America, G.M. held 33.2 percent of the American car market. Last month, G.M.’s share was only 18.8 percent...
G.M. collapsed last fall when new-vehicle sales in the United States plummeted to their lowest level in 25 years. G.M. lost more than $30 billion in 2008, and has been subsisting on government loans since the beginning of the year.
New York Times The only question to me is why wasn't he gone years ago? Since he took over GM's stock price in
real dollars halved through 2007. Just how badly do you have to fuck up before your old-boys
Board of Directors is prepared to say 'enough is enough'? They had to wait for the President of
the United States to fire the guy?
As an aside, I notice that with all the ink being sacrified to write about GM and Chrysler, I
haven't seen a single mention of Ford anywhere recently.