Jan 12, 2009 14:50
Life is good. I’m getting back in a somewhat normal rhythm lately and it has been pretty wonderful. The simple joys of cooking dinner or cleaning out a closet are shockingly comforting after months when I was too busy to do anything remotely normal.
Athena had to have surgery this weekend. Her anal glands basically ruptured. She had what looked like a small cut or infection on her rear around Thanksgiving which ended up healing and we thought all was well. What apparently had happened is that her anal gland (sounds gross but they just secrete the smell that lets dogs know whose territory they are in) got clogged (apparently she has “thick” fluid…that sounds kinda gross) and then built up with nowhere to go so literally blew out through her skin. That was in Thanksgiving. The pressure was released and she appeared to be fine. But instead it just built up again - this time her other gland was so swollen that she was in misery. We woke up on Saturday to find her not wanting to move and just crying non-stop and shaking with a fever. We took her into the vet and found out that both of her glands were ready to rupture so they had to put a drain in her (it looks like 2 ends of a shoelace hanging out of her rear). She has a cone on (which she hates and refuses to walk with) and is heavily drugged as she is in a lot of pain. It is so sad seeing how sad she looks! Anyway, it was an unexpected part of the weekend. No fun at all. She’ll have to go in every month or two to get her anal glands “expressed” to make sure they are draining, for the rest of her life.
But in other news, the hot tub is fixed! Apparently the filters were just too dirty and it was tripping the heater. I spent a good part of Saturday draining it, cleaning it, and re-filling it, while Athena was in surgery. I got it all ready and then Sunday morning opened it to find that I hadn’t quite secured the drain plug so the water level had dropped a few inches. Grrr. Chris hadn’t showered yet so he got to climb under the deck and roll in the mud to re-cap it. I am so looking forward to a soak in the tub tonight!
I built a few LEGO sets I bought myself for Christmas over the weekend. Such awesome stuff they have now. If they had half this stuff when I was a kid I would have been blown away. Kids these days who are interested in LEGO have so much to want!!!
The economy sucks but I have decided to just take one day at a time and ignore the overall pressure. I don’t have the patience for it.
I trapped a cockroach at work today. It was pretty insanely disgusting. We thought they were all caught but apparently not. I’m a hero now for throwing a glass bowl over it. Reminds me of NYC when we would have dozens of cockroaches climb all over our bathroom walls in the middle of the night. We’d come in to go pee at some odd hour, flip the light switch, and just see them all scurry. SO GROSS!
The weather is now more Seattle winter and I am happy. High 40s and overcast with drizzle every now and then is SO much nicer than low 20s, snow, and/or insane never-ending rain storms.
We’ve decided we’re booking an Atlantis cruise in October. Time to get back in shape!!!
Also - just saw that the viaduct is going to be replaced by a Tunnel. I love this city's politics (note the sarcasm). It is the right choice but dammit that was a painful decision. "OK, we're down to 2 options, a surface option or another viaduct. We choose the tunnel". WOW.