So, we all know about the swine flu thing, right? Of course. So, last week, my sisters school got shut down because some kids there caught it. Her school is about a block away from mine, and everybody is freakin' out.
This was...last Friday, I believe. So, I come home on Friday with a sore throat, and I'm sick alllll weekend. So sick that I
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I'm getting a little sick of the whole swine flu thing myself. (...OKAY I SWEAR, AFTER REREADING THAT, THE PUN WAS NOT INTENTIONAL.)
But not checking the Hetalia community? That's... I'd figure someone would at least have to be on their deathbed to not be able to look there. For shaaaame. -tut tut-
Good luck on your classes and tests! I'm sure you'll do well.
Nonetheless, your pun was EGGceptionally awesome (OH GODS.)
Uuuggghh, yes...-is ashamed- I watched shows about AUSTRIA all that day...(so maybe it's not THAT bad...)
I hope so....-dies-
I know they were awesome~ EGGcept I didn't mean to do it (NOOO LOOK WHAT WE'VE DOOOONE)!
-snicker- Austria. The country, or... Austria? ;D
That's even BETTER. Unintentional puns are EGGstremely funny.
Gawd, if they had shows running all day about Austria the person, the world be a much more...well, just fuckin' awesome. Sadly, just Austria the place...even though that's nice too :D
YEEESSS I actually have surprisingly little to make up!!!! HAHAHA, LUCK GRACES ME AT LAST.
YAY FOR LACK OF BIG THINGS TO MAKE UP. Your fortune in this was EGGstra lucky~~
Yes, it was EGGseptionally good, this time around~
Just pretend you're CANADIAN! That's the advice I always hear people getting. XD
I am so jealous, you have no idea. The closest I've been to being out of the country was being within throwing distance of Canada. No, not even that- just Canadian waters. AUUUGGH, you're so lucky!!!! I hope you have, like, OODLES of fun. More than that, even. EGGSTREME amounts of fun. And pictures. Those would be cool, too.
Lol, I hope you get an oppurtunity to use that at some point! Especially if you're in the Vatican. That would be fuckin' HILARIOUS.
Yeeessss, I'll just say 'eh!' all the time, so everyone will knooowww! -shot-
By the way, don't make the 'okay' sign in France. It's the same as giving someone the finger, I believe XD
I'll probably end up saying stuff like that to my cousins. XD
Y'know, if you can pull off a natural-sounding 'eh' at the end of most sentences that could actually work. XD (One of my friends can't even do it)
Forgive my ignorance but I have no clue what the 'okay' sign is. XD
Oh, well, at least you won't have to worry about it, then! XD (It's when you put the tips of your thumb and pointer finger together, and the rest of your fingers just sort of splay out...but I dunno if I should be telling you this -raises eyebrow- lol :D)
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