May 05, 2009 21:39
So, we all know about the swine flu thing, right? Of course. So, last week, my sisters school got shut down because some kids there caught it. Her school is about a block away from mine, and everybody is freakin' out.
This was...last Friday, I believe. So, I come home on Friday with a sore throat, and I'm sick alllll weekend. So sick that I didn't even check the Hetalia community here on LJ. (I know, that's SICK, right?!)
But, by Monday, I feel fine enough to go to school. However, because of the fuckin' SWINE FLU, my school district decided that anybody who was even a little sick couldn't go to school. So, I just missed two days of school because I had a FUCKIN' COUGH and stuffy nose.
It pisses me off to no end. I mean, honestly. Who cares if one kid has a little cold? If it's not the H1N1 virus, that kid me! should be able to come to school. But NOOO, my school district is retarded! (No wonder it's abbreviation comes out PISD- which obviously sounds like PISSED.) Now I have two days worth of work to make up, and we just started new units in half my classes, and have tests this week in the other half. Which basically means I'm screwed. GODDAMMIT.
Anyway. I wrote like, five sentences last night for my usxuk fic. WOOT! I'm hoping to force more of it out tonight. /fails
Oooooh, this week is not going to be good.
I sincerely hope yours is going to be better.