Apr 28, 2009 22:23
I have not posted on LJ in two years.
I am such a lurker that I don't even keep up my old page -blows dust off of poor old LJ-
Gawd, I want to make my posts from forever ago explode...but I'm afraid I'll need them again, for no fuckin' reason, one day!!!! OTL
But, uhm, yeah...recently have found time to NOT LURK (/fail) so, I figured I should work on maintaing this thing some more....heh heh -face palm-
So, to get myself out of MAJOR WRITING SLUMP (spanning...guess what? TWO YEARS!) I signed myself up for the writing challenge over at the usxuk community. My prompts are 'Captain America' and 'What dreams may come'. Captain America, is INCREDIBLY hilarious in my mind, but I think I probably suck at writing comedy. I think it through too much. And what dreams may come....well, basically a small bit of fluff, with England and America speculating what will happen if the US won't recover this time. You know, with CRAZEH INTERNATIONAL TENSION OF DOOM, the economy, so much politcal turmoil going on within the US right now...you know, all that great stuff X3
They should be arriving before the end of May, and, in the tradition of any episode preview, I shout at you with supah Japanese accento, LOOK FORWARD TO IT!!!! :D
Anyhoodles! (Lolz, Yessica!) I'm going to A-Kon this year, and I cannot WAIT. I finished cutting out the material today, and should get to sewing after school tomorrow!!! Oh, wait. ENGLISH PAPER!!!! OTL....so, maybe not till this weekend. Heh. But, yeah~! I missed the pre-regs for tickets (it was on SUNDAY! I was at SEAWORLD! I forgot T-T) so now I have to pay twenty extra dollars the day of. Twenty dollars I could be spending on yaoi....-cries- But there's nothing I can do.
Uhm, uhm, uhm, so! HETALIA! Oh, shit, I have to go watch the fourteenth episode!!!!!
Tschus, trotteln!!!! Bis dann!