
Nov 23, 2005 01:01

I am so fucking sick of war, why can't it stop, and why can't we all just fucking realize we're human beings and have to live with each other no matter what? The only way we're going to advance and evolve as a species is if we learn from each other and fix our mistakes and remember the past so we don't repeat it. Enough death and disease please. O.K. I know we can't stop the disease because it's an organic part of the circle of life, but if people weren't killing each other on a daily basis, disease wouldn't seem like such a bad thing. It'd be like: "O.K. people are dying of the Asian bird flu, but at least they're not getting FUCKING SHOT EVERY DAY BY OTHER PEOPLE WITH GUN AND KNIVES." God damn it I am so tired of everythng I just want to go to sleep and wake up in a world where none of this happens. We're doomed to destroy ourselves. I respect people who realize this but it's a grim fucking outcome, you know?! I may be lazy and everything but at least I'M NOT A KILLER AND A RAPIST AND INTOLERANT AND ARROGANT AND RICH AND FAMOUS AND SPITEFUL AND VINDICTIVE AND FRAIL AND STUPID. I don't hate gay people or black people or anything like that. Say what the fuck you want but at least I'm better than you. I FUCKING PARK MY GOD DAMNED FUCKING SHOPPING CART IN THE STALL PROVIDED AS OPPOSED TO LEAVING IT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SPACE WHERE SOMEONE ELSE MAY NEED TO PARK! I CLEAN THE LINT SCREEN IN MY DRYER MACHINE INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT THERE BECAUSE I'M LAZY! FUCK YOU! I RENOUNCE THE GYM, I RENOUNCE A HEALTHY DIET! IT'S ALL A DISTRACTION FROM THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE WHICH IS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE DEDICATED TO OTHER PEOPLE!

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