I hope I'm not drowning my sorrows with chocolate in 24 hours time..

Jun 14, 2010 18:01

I don't lie when I say that I can't sleep at night when I think about how neglected this place is. (Although I suppose it would be wise to keep in mind that thoughts like If I cram one chapter every hour and a half then I might be able to learn the whole course in three days, fuck, I really should have started studying earlier and I wonder if I should buy that swimsuit despite the fact that it's the middle of winter because I really have needed a new one since last year and it's for sale are among other trivial things that keep me up).

But, seriously, I would hope that everyone has realised by now that exams = no time for a life.
And I hope all you lovelies are well :) Especially you few that are on holidays, no doubt gallivanting around town in a drunken state. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.


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