May 02, 2007 01:17
...a poor college student. My job was draining all of my energy so I quit. Besides, I need to save as much energy for my Anthro, Linguistics, and Statistics classes. Oh, and let us not forget my practicum at the alternative school. I'm only there two days a week but that place is pretty hard on my energy level as well. I love going there though. The students are great! We are finally getting to know each other. I've got most of the names down. Although, I do need to figure out a way to start remembering names faster. Got any suggestions?
I'm thinking of doing some volunteer work. I haven't volunteered anywhere for a couple years and I think that it's starting to take a toll on my spirit (is that the right toll?). I read in the paper that the Crisis Center is looking for some volunteers but it seems to me that, that takes a special kind of person to be able to handle the people that call in. I'm not sure if I have what it takes. I'm going to give them a call though and see what's up with the volunteer positions that they have advertised. Otherwise, I might volunteer at the animal shelter place so I can play with puppies for a few hours a day. Either that or a I might volunteer at a nearby elementary school as a reading buddy for some students. Volunteer work should get my mind off of my problems for a while and concentrate on helping others. I feel better just thinking about it!
Since I started work, I've gotten so behind on all of my homework! In fact, I should probably be working on that right now. But instead, I am being a bum (which sounds a lot more fun to me right now then doing my linguistics homework on the phonetic alphabet).
Anyway, my grandma's funeral is on Sunday. My parents are gonna head down to PI for that this week but I have to stay here to take care of things while they are gone. I'm really disappointed (and somewhat upset) that I don't get to go but:
1. someone needs to hold down the fort
2. I have Practicum and school that I can't miss
3. I don't have a valid passport
All of these things are preventing me from leaving this county for long periods of time. Well, I say "Phooey!" and "Fuck" to that...
OK, I think that I have procrastinated enough. I have to get going on my creative writing unit for my practicum and phonetic alphabet.
- J