Dec 08, 2006 13:58
I'm sort of really, really freaking out right now.
Since I'm not a citizen of the United States, I won't be needing a visa to enter Brazil because Brazil doesn't hate Trinidad like it does the US. Excellent.
However, I will need one for Japan, and Pinnacle (the company that is supposed to be taking care of all of our visa apps) cannot help me with that. The reason this is a problem is that now two places are going to be needing my actual passport at the same time.
A solution may be for me to go to New York City (and possibly Washington DC) to obtain all of my visas individually. A very expensive but necessary solution.
I've been emailing people like crazy about this.
Another problem: Some years ago when I was dating Lech, he left a small jar of pot in the center console of my car. I got arrested, and though the charges were dropped or whatever, I think still have that on my record. I think. The reason this matters now is Japan may actually deny me a visa due to a drug-related criminal history. I'm going to see if I can contact my attorney and ask him if I actually have a "criminal record," since the condition, I believe, was that if I passed drug tests, it wouldn't go on my record. I don't remember, though. Agh.
If I can't go on SAS because of any of this...