So yesterday was kind of a nice day. Let's recap with a list.
1) I'm about 96.5% sure that I saw
Barbra Preisman of CI3 semi-obscurity fame exiting the library as I was entering. It says in her bio thing that she "loves to read" so that sort of makes sense. I gave her an "I know you from somewhere but I don't know where" look, and in return she gave me an "I know you know you know me from somewhere but you can't figure out where" look. But by the time I figured it out and wanted to make sure, she was gone. Pity.
2) I bought two cds at Future Shop because my mom needed to buy a microwave and the cashier dude cracked me up. In an amusing display of The Obvious Yearning For Human Contact in the Workplace he attempted to engage me in conversation about my purchases (which included Ben Folds and Oasis). Since apparently these poorly transcribed conversations are now my LJ trademark, I will make no exception for this one.
(The scene: Future Shop. Some Indian couple is arguing with both available cashiers about the famous Future Shop extended warranty that they try to sell you on everything. Cashier #1 becomes frustrated with said couple and opens another till. He scans my purchases.)
Cashier: Oh excellent choices. Good CDs. Both of them.
Joy: (laughs) So the Future Shop cashier approves of my purchases?
Cashier: Oh Definitely! Two of my favourites!
Joy: Great. That's good to know.
Cashier: So would you like the extended warranty?
Joy: You want me to buy a warranty on two CDs?
Cashier: No of course not, I'm just kidding!
Joy: Ok that's great see ya.
Cashier: Have a great day!
I'm not exactly sure if this was an attempt at flirting, as he was an awkward teenage boy, but whatever it was I found it amusing. And I still haven't listened to my cds.
3) Oh this list is definitely still going. So there's a street festival going on here and last night we went to go see this show called
Les Girafes, which is described an "Urban Operetta." Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would describe it as My Worst Nightmare Come To Life. I can't really describe it so I thought the link might help but yeah, basically it was frightening. I mean it was kind of cool because the giraffes are basically these huge structures operated by two people on stilts, but mostly it was creepy. I'll try and find pictures....or something.
Ok So my list is over, but I also have an entirely off topic question. Could someone tell me what "Dance 4 Love" is? From what I've gathered from people's passing references to it, it sounds like some sort of fabulous behind-the-scenes CI2 thing. Enlighten me please!