Dec 14, 2005 22:27
Is it just me, or have fat people been razed since the beginning of time?
I think so.
When I was a kid, my mom was really fat. I mean really, REALLY fat.
When I'd walk to school with my brother every morning, these assholes kids would walk the same way as us, because they lived a street over.
They'd make fun of my mother, and my brother (who were both fat).
They'd say "Your mom is so fat she's on both sides of the family." and"Your mom is so fat that when she walked around texas in high heels she struck oil." The relentless teasing varied from day to day.
I'd get really, really mad and plot revenge.
And my brother, 'Chubby' as he was so lovingly dubbed by these assholes, would just cry and cry and cry.
This went on for years, led to a lot of emotional issues within my brother. He ate more after school because of this, and my fat mother was so eager to ease his pain with sweets and fast food.
My father and I, who never had struggled with a weight issue, didn't really know what to say and do.
Over the years, my mother and my brother got fatter and fatter, to the point of obesity.
My mother eventually got her stomach stapled, and needed a tummy tuck and a breast reduction.
After all of the weight loss, she became good looking and decided to leave our family.
I guess the fast weight loss really changed her, and gave her a new lease on life. *shrugs*
My brother's weight issue caused him a lot of health problems, so say the least.
He has crones (might not be related to obesity), and has severe arthritis of the ankles and knees and is only 23!
Also, his posture is awful, and has a low, low self esteem.
My little sister (who is 9 years younger than me and has been pretty much raised as an only child) is over weight as well.
My mother has fed her pastas and bread, and allowed her to eat junk and watch tv...and do little else productive with her time. my sister is suffering, and she's just a little girl.
I've struggled with weight too.
When I turned 19, I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in my ankle and knee.
The doctors pumped me up with medicine that made me gain weight so I wouldn't get sick.
At my heaviest, I was at 185 pounds. I was always a girl that was like...115-120 pounds, but that experience taught me a great deal about people, and about my own personality.
I worked hard to lose the weight.
I didn't want to be a fat 'second-class citizen' woman for the rest of my life.
And boy, did I work hard. And I still do.
Fat people don't win in life.
I don't hate fat people, but in all honesty, their behavior disgusts me.
People that are fat shouldn't even think to try to date anyone until they proactively have tried to lose the weight, and figured out what emotional baggage caused them to become fat and hide in food in the first place.
The only reason I say that is because they aren't even trying to offer their best to a mate.
If a woman is fat, she's insecure, and can't possibly offer her best to someone.
To all the fat people out there:
If someone calls you fat, get the fuck over it.
Take what they say and use it for good, instead of hiding you face in bon bons.
Lose the weight.
Go to a therapist and figure out why you are fat to begin with.
You can't say that you don't eat all of the time, because your body would show otherwise.
I know what I'm talking about here.
I'm sick of these fat people being like "We're people too..."
OBVIOUSLY you're people too...
but you're fat, and you're a burden to yourself.
Also, if women that are fat have kids, most likely their children will be fat.
That's a true stat.
I know what I'm talking about with all of this.
Fat chicks, stop playing the victim.
And when people call you fat, honestly, take it into consideration.
As far as it looking unattractive,
it's bad for your health too.
It's not good for anyone.
I know what I'm talking about.
By the way, I don't hate fat people, and I think I made that perfectly clear.