Just a matter of Patience

Jul 26, 2010 09:21

Something I've learned this year is that things not only don't happen the way  you planned, but also, things sometimes require a heap of patience.  I am learning that I need to have more patience than one might realize.  Perhaps it's me getting older and more cynical, or perhaps it's just because all my good/close friends live so far away, and I am faced to attempt the same level of conversation with a younger, less cynical/analytical person.

Why do I feel the need to rant?  well...  I hate when you see a movie, which is good, but not THAT good, and when you try to explain to the person who recommended said movie, that you liked most of it except for this one thing that made the film seem even that much more far fetched/ unrealisitic, they proceed to interrupt every point I made and counter it with their own.   I have no problem being proven wrong, I in fact encourage people to convince me that my cynical side is just that, too cynical.  But when you can't even have an intellectual debate about a film and the theology behind said film, and furthermore, you get interrupted and accused of being too judgemental and forced to apologize for saying that said person was being defensive about the film.  What the heck!   I have a right to say that I didn't like a film!

What a stupid reason to be upset!   seriously.

And yet, when I woke up this morning I just wanted to shake something in frustration and just go GAAAAAAHHHH!! 
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