3 AM

Jan 18, 2008 02:56

I hate waking up in the middle of the night. Then I start munching on cookies and going on silly sites like Perezhilton.com and fill my already convoluted mind with useless knowledge like how Texas hates Jessica Simpson because she's dating their QT or something like that? People are so stupid it's rediculous. Why am I so fascinated by it is my second question.

I'm debating if I want to go snowboarding again this weekend. The last time was just  way too surreal for me and I don't think I've completely recovered from it. Ashley nearly broke herself at the beginning of our snowboarding excursion, then traffic heading down the mountain was absurd, and I had to relieve myself by dropping my pants on the side of the road/mountain with busy traffic- not my proudest moment but if you gotta go, you gotta go!  We were all so drained and in a strange funk so the moment we saw Hooters in the middle of NOWHERE we pulled over and gorged ourselves with hotwings and bleu cheese. It was nostalgic driving through my hold neighborhood in UCR.  It's always fun to think of mine and Greg's "early years" and reflecting how different we are now in comparison to the knuckleheads we used to be. I still make fun of how he used to drive 9 hours just to see me. I think now, I'm lucky if he takes out the garbage without me nagging at him the whole day. Jerk!

I can't stop but lead all my thoughts/blogs/conversations to Olivia. I can't help it though...she's such a fucking riot that I can't stop talking about her and if you were her mom, you couldn't help it either. She is the literal fusion between Greg and I, as freakish as that may be! She's so outgoing and silly like her dad but crazy and temperamental just like her proud mommy. She's now waving at all sorts of people and smiling at them. She's no stranger to shopping and eating at restaurants. She also thinks iPods are phones because of mine and Greg's iPhones. She'll also start to talk over the telephone which is just the cutest thing ever. Gah. I'm tempted to wake her up so we can play.

The current Poniera/Moniente project is Ollie's First Birthday party. We've- I'VE decided to make it "The Mad Hatter's Tea Party" so we could all dress up pretty but wacky all at the same time. I call it "wacky chic" ...you know...instead of shabby chic? eh. But anyway. I've never hosted a party so big in my life (unless you count my wedding which I kind of planned semi-conscious) so I'm starting to feel the pressure. I'm sure if I harness my teacher skills (and my school's supply of paper and paint) then Ollie's party could actually be pretty nice.  Thank goodness my mother-in-law LIVES to plan parties so I'm in a good place right now.

Oh well. I should stop dawdling. Time to tuck myself in. Thanks for reading my stupid post. It gives me a sense of purpose! Love you!

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