Apr 27, 2006 23:56
so i went to the movies tonight with courtney and sarah. we saw Friends with Money. and a couple of things just completely side-swiped me. i completely climbed into those people's lives this evening and now i'm walking around all. . . . disembodied. lost. doesn't it rock your world when art does that to you? i can't tell whether i took something from the movie or the movie took something from me. it was an excellent movie.
i went to KY. i came back. i had a great time. the kid had a great time. it was good timing for the cousins to frolic. i think Van learned a lot from hanging out with Gavin (who's close to crawling). we haven't had much of a chance to socialize here with other babies. i think it rocked his wee world. do you realize that my son is 6 months old? he started eating solids while we were there. it was time. i was little worried about doing that away from Dan, you know him missing Van's first solids. but i think i worry about those things and he doesn't. Van has also discovered his feet. and why wouldn't he with those cute little toes of his? i think that he only has eyes for his toes, cause he could care less about grabbing his feet when he's in a sleeper with feetsies. in KY though, it was so-- wait for it-- hot and humid, that he wore these little short outfits that let his adorable little chubby knees and toes undulate in the wind, and they caught his eye. he only goes for the feet when the toes are out. he had his 6 month appointment. clean bill o' health, except for the ear infection he got while in KY that we are still medicating. he also got his first immunization. dan and i were hesitant about getting them. hey-- we live in the hippie capital of the world (not counting San Fran) and there's strong opinion and opposition in these parts against vaccinations. the choices you have to make as a parent are some of the HARDEST, because it's not just you or someone who's made the decision to be with you, it's some cute doe-eyed, apple-cheeked sweetie who trusts you explicitly because he knows no other way. excruciating it is. (hang in there Laraine, your doe-eyed apple-cheeked boy will be okay either way i think, but it never hurts to be cautious.)
my husband stayed home sick today. he hates being sick. he hates when i'm sick. he absolutely hates it when Van's sick. it drives him crazy with worry and feelings of helplessness. he's a fixer. he likes to fix. i try to wait on him. you know, make him soup and tea. and it upsets him so much because he feels like he's inconveniencing me and is a big burden. i literally have to tell each time that doting on him helps me and makes me feel better, otherwise there's no way he'd let me.
last weekend was a busy weekend of Art as Action (www.artasaction.org) practice. there was hip hop rehearsals, new material to learn, choreographing, meetings, showings, and socializing. it was lovely. (plus it gave my husband plenty o' time to reconnect with our son. 12 days is a long time apart. he was a bit grumpy when we got back, worried that Van had forgotten him, plus he'd gotten used to the house being all his-- which means my shit didn't pile up everywhere everyday.) my dear sweet Jill was in town and she taught us some moves and showed us her solo and duet (wow, who knew bodies could do that?), plus a group of us choreographed a phenomenal little piece together in the span of 3 hours. it was a good time. obviously, it was a last minute piece put in; another piece dropped out and aren't we lucky!? the two pieces replacing it are going to be great. so. . . . that puts me in a lot more stage time. when did *that* happen? so the show is in a month? aack. then a sabbatical for sarah as she moves to seattle. i'm not sure what i'll do without her when she goes. i mean who's going to babysit my child when she goes? better yet, who's got to babysit me? ;-P we spent some time on Pearl St. today, drinking coffee, sitting around, walking around, prowling bookstores. it was a lovely day.
i'm glad it's getting warmer. i'm sad that the trees and flowers were in full bloom and it got below freezing. now it's all shriveled up. you see what can happen to overachievers that get on the scene too early. . . . a reason i strive to be tardy. you never know when you'll get killed by a big freeze for blooming too early.
daily grind,