Jun 26, 2005 01:01
You Know You're Growing Up When...You start to pick logical over impulse when it comes to relationships.
Emotions are irratic, wild, spontaneous, controlling, bewildering. This is what sets them apart from logical, they're nothing but illogical. We for themost part cannot control them, nor ignore them, like we can logic.
Most times when we like a person we ignore the logic. Because frankly, logic sucks when it comes to people. People aren't logical. It tends not to work to well. We love that impulsive feeling we get from having emotion towards a person. We as teens are emotional wrecks, or wreckless in all sense.
Tonight, I chose for I think the first time logic over impulse when it came to another person. Again, logic sucks. It saddened me, to let go for the better, but it is for the better of course.
Tonight Tony came home from Boys State. This means we actually had a talk about "us" or "not us", or whatever we were termed.
Tony of course came to no dissernable answer, listing of course the Cons of pursuing a relationship with I, with the endearment of "I deserve you".
He gave no absolutes.
Normally, I would have given none, or some kind of long winded turn about how relationships are hard, but it can be worked through, and I am willing to work through them for you.
That's impulse, emotion.
This time I did not. I told him that...Actually I can't specifically remember (new concept for me to grasp I suppose)...But I told him that: for the better of both of us maybe it would be better not to. Because He nor I deserve to have to go through the turmoil that we would be put through. That I would hold him back from having a normal relationship, and having both of us giving up that chance. The situation was undoubtedly unavoidable. It would have been greatly unfair for us. Regardless of emotion.
(A more concise, but not version, the general jist though)
That was logic.
I do not like this concept.
Of course now I will live with the, "what if" factor. With not taking the daring risk of going for it, that impulsive teenage action.
He is worth it though, if I did decide to have. There would have been nothing more that I would have liked then to pursue something with him.
It is the best though. Or so I hope.
"We Can Still Be Friends"...."Of Course"
And, that's where it ended even before it began.
It, I suppose is not so bad. I have to learn to know when to be impulsive, and when to use my better judgement (damn that).
On a different note, well still the same symphony, just different measure.
I have been REALLY sappy lately. Like the weirdest movies have made me all Giddy and sentimental. (ie: The Girl Next Door, The Notebook, Princess Diaries 2, Pocahontas, Raising Helen, Chasing Liberty...and so on)
Like REALLY sappy. Along with my pint of ice cream I've parked my sentimental ass infront of these movies and yearned for that romance.
Damn hormones!
C'est La Vie