Fic: The Tuesday before Senior Prom

Mar 02, 2011 00:11

It was the Tuesday before Senior Prom, Kurt Hummel actually had a date to it that wasn’t Mercedes and he was puking his guts out in the middle of French class. While most of Kurt’s conscious thought was dedicated to the motions and pure revulsion that is vomiting up lunch, a small part of him was still thinking about the pure humiliation of hurling ( Read more... )

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glambertrock March 3 2011, 03:20:46 UTC
It's weird-I am like, the one person all my glee friends know that despises Kurt/Karofsky with a vengeance, and yet...this was really really good! I liked it in an odd sort of way. I mean, the writing was awesome, duh lol, but just the way you wrote it made it feel nice and made me not hate Karofsky at all. I guess this is what it'd be like if he wasn't presented as a bullying jock. I'd have liked his character a lot had it been that way. But hey, plot lines! lol Anyway, enough rambling, fabulous job and A+++++++ on making me enjoy Kurt/Karofsky ;D


joyincreation March 3 2011, 04:40:06 UTC
I'm really, really happy that you chose to read this even though you don't like Kurt/Dave. Obviously nothing like this could happen in canon (and not just because of the mpreg) but it's nice (for me at least) to think about the best possible scenario and what people could be like if they lived up to their full potential, which is really what I see in Karofsky...potential. I'm really glad that I could show a glimmer of that in a realistic fashion. So thank you so much, it means a lot to me that non-Kurt/Dave fans like this. Thank you so much for the review!


glambertrock March 3 2011, 05:47:44 UTC
There's so much potential for him, and hopefully we don't just get a tiny ending for him at the end, but something that kinda makes things right for him. He's not bad, he's just confused and surrounded by the wrong people. He could be so sweet and so awesome, if 'She's Not There' wasn't a big indicator. Anyway, you're so welcome and it was fun to read :) Just as an FYI, I'm trying to be the first Klaine shipper to take a jab at mpreg here, and I'm almost done with my fic! I'm hoping my RL doesn't get in my way because it's been like, a goal for me lol. Idk why I just blabbered about that, but I think it's because your story and others have really made me want to take this on and write about it ;) So, good job on that part, too! lol wish me luck!


joyincreation March 3 2011, 06:34:30 UTC
I'm so excited to hear about your fic! I'm not much of a Klaine shipper myself but I love anything mpreg! Hopefully you'll break the mpreg-ice and get others to write mpreg. I'm so glad that you've been inspired, and lots and lots of luck! If you need help with anything just ask and I'll see what I can do. *waiting patiently for your fic*


glambertrock March 3 2011, 06:41:00 UTC
:D It's about something I saw on a show (Castle) that really intrigued me last Monday when it aired, so I kinda put it together happened! lol! I really hope so, too. My last comm. before the whole Klaine comm. I'm with was filled with mpreg and I used to really enjoy it. Kurt_Blaine, the major Klaine place that I'm at, doesn't really have any mpreg at all. I'm hoping that if this fic does good here that maybe I can post it there and see how they like it! I guess that if you see any grammar errors or something while reading or have suggestions when you read it you can tell me to help :) I'll see whatever the heck else I need later lol :D Thanks for the luck and hopefully I can make you enjoy Klaine like I enjoyed Dave/Kurt (what's the shipper name for that? lol curious person is curious)


joyincreation March 3 2011, 07:22:02 UTC
The shipper name would be kurtofsky. I'm curious as well about what comm. you frequented before Klaine? I won't even ask you about what idea sparked your fic, I don't want to spoil myself so soon!


glambertrock March 3 2011, 20:32:36 UTC
Oh yeah, I heard that before! *hits forehead*
Before Klaine I was into the American Idol pairing of Kris Allen and Adam Lambert, otherwise known as Kradam :) I was at Kradam_ai forever until I checked out Glee and then....yeah. lol And don't worry, you won't have to wait much longer!!!!!


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