Aug 05, 2010 15:04
I can't believe it, but this is my last day at the New York State Division of Human Rights. I have been here for 11 weeks as a legal intern, investigating cases of alleged human rights violations. I have learned so much and my eyes have literally been opened to a whole new world of possibilities for my future. I never thought I would say it, but I am considering on applying to law school, and in the meantime, that means studying for the LSAT! I never thought I would have to take another standardized test after the SATs, but I guess I'm back at it again. A part of me is completely frightened about even the thought of law school. Everyone who I have met this summer who is currently a law student or has been in the past has kind of overwhelmed me with details about how it is such a huge commitment -- financially, mentally, emotionally, relationally, intellectually, and probably in every other way. I know that law school isn't something you just "do" because you feel like it, and I am just afraid that I don't have a "passion for the law" or that much interest in the legal world to be fully committed to law school. I do know, however, that having a law degree could open up new doors for me professionally. Right now all I can do is to pray for God to open and close doors for me, and guide me to the professional path that aligns with His will and perfect plan for me.
During the past month or so, I have been working on two cases that have been filed by the same Complainant. The first is an age discrimination complaint and the second is retaliation. Out of the 17 cases that I have worked on (isn't that crazy -- 17?!), these two have required the most extensive and detailed investigation. I have held a two-party conference, where the Respondent and Complainant met with me and my supervisor in one room where we tried to clarify what really happened - that was pretty intense. Then I held many telephone witness interviews and talked to the Respondent's President many times. For months I have been tirelessly investigating these 2 cases, looking for every possible detail that could be relevant to the case. I have talked to my supervisor and even the Regional Director many times about the cases and whether or not they think there was discrimination. These 2 cases truly tested my ability to stay neutral and not let my emotions dictate the course of the investigation. So, after much deliberation, investigation, agony, doubt, and questioning, I finally came to a conclusion that both cases were NPC (no probable cause of discrimination). This was extremely difficult for me, as I think the Complainant is ADORABLE and I feel bad for him that he no longer has a job and is in deep economic trouble. It was also difficult because my supervisor, Aurelia, and the regional director, Joyce disagreed on whether or not they thought there was discrimination. These are both women I deeply respect, but their differences in investigating and fulfilling their job duties sometimes make things difficult. So I had to put aside my personal feelings, my sympathy and empathy, and look at the case with the facts that I had garnered. I am still unsure of whether or not I made the right decision but it is encouraging to know that if I came to the "wrong" conclusion, that I don't have the last say in the matter and someone of a higher position will "correct" me -- haha!
Although I have enjoyed my first summer in the city, I am very excited about going home on Wednesday, August 11th! My Uncle Ross and Aunt Kathy from Virginia are driving up to MA and are picking me up on the way to good old Massachusetts. I am looking forward to just relaxing with my family and basically doing nothing before the craziness of fall starts up. The whole family is moving my baby brother, Robbie, into college during the last week of August -- I can't believe my little baby is all grown up ;). I am so excited for him to start his undergraduate journey at Bowdoin College in Maine (one of my favorite states, for sure!). It will be emotional for everyone, especially my Mommy and Daddy who are going through the whole "empty nest" syndrome. They are going to do great, though -- I just know it! My sister will be coming home from Guadalajara, Mexico on August 20th, so it will be great for the whole family to be together for a short while before everyone goes their separate ways! Praise God for my amazing, beautiful family! I am beyond blessed to have a great support system and even more, great friendships within my own family!