Jan 10, 2010 11:43
Another year, another semester, another four classes.
Driving to P-Sac 12 hours a week shouldn't be too bad, right? Since I spent all last year building up intense road rage, I'm going to use the 12 hours therapeutically to combat my feelings of paranoia and competition when I drive on the interstate. Its not a good christian example for me to be always shaking my fist and saucily swerving in front of people who drive cruddy. It probably ruins their whole day; I know it messes up mine when that happens to me. Heaven grant me patience with those who don't use their turn signals.
I'm liking all my classes so far. I have Mr. Markowitz for painting 2 and American art this semester. My affection for him as a teacher is kind of hard to understand; he's definitely the most egotistical of my instructors. I think thats part of why I like him, he's egotistical in the laughable way that makes life more like a tv show, cause he seems just like a made up character. Plus, he has this whole hair thing going on. Its hard to describe but those who've seen him understand. Between that and the personality he is, as one of my fellow art history students put it, "the living essence of Old Spice".
Oh gosh, my life must be so boring if my idea of an interesting writing topic is my teacher.