I know that some of you couldn't get your LJ names here on DW, so please just add me and maybe drop a line here so I know who you are, I'll add you as soon as possible. I'm having an outbreak of "zombie fingers" again (don't ask...) so typing is painful, but I'll add you, no worries. Thanks!
In other news, we have finally unpacked our last boxes and somewhat settled in. The move was a nightmare. Alfie didn't make it, he died three days into living in the new flat. Much as I'd like to blame it on the new flat, it was just that his time had come, and for a cat with his health, making it to seven years was othing short of a miracle. But it was a terrible loss, it still is, and I'm still missing half my sanity since he's gone. To quote a great man incorrectly: life without Alfie is possible, but it's not desireable. I miss him terribly. :-(
BUT the cats love the new place, so that's a good thing. I'll post pictures later this week.
I won't delete my LJs, btw. If those homophobic fuckheads want me gone, they can remove me, thank you very much.
Molly originally posted this entry at
http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/451760.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.