Title: One of a Kind
Fandom: LOTR/The Hobbit
Story by: Erestor
eveiyaFemale Character of Focus: Mauburz
Pairing/Other Characters: The two young sons of Erestor and Glorfindel
Rating: G
Big Bang Size: tiny (1'544 words)
Warnings: none
If you leave your impressionable young sons in the care of a female Orc, you should not be surprised if they learn some valuable lessons about life, the origin of Orc babies, the stroppiness of Elven Kings and the taste of female guards in Mirkwood.
Link to Story:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4074142 Wheee! First bigbangchallengethingy in AGES, and I finished it on time! Many thanks to Eveiya for her stellar and speedy betaing!
Molly originally posted this entry at
http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/445331.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.