Alfie's home!

Nov 21, 2014 14:20

It's really amazing how well he got through this second surgery. You can tell it was more extensive than the first as he's having trouble swallowing and is spreading snot everywhere (which is normal in the aftermath of such a surgery), but the material he's coughing up is clear, no blood anywhere, and that's a very good sign. He's still having trouble eating, as the wound in his throat must be very painful and food gets stuck and makes him retch, but with "baby-sized" dry food it works, and this will pass in a couple of days. He's very thin now, poor Alfie, he never weighed a lot and didn't have much weight to spare for such a case, but he does have an appetite, so it's only a matter of time before he's back to his old self. He also gets cortisone, which will hopefully prevent any further uncontrolled growths, fingers crossed.

Despite everything, he's awake, very alert, doesn't hide, and much fitter than I would be in his place. Go, Alfie, go!

More as it happens, for now, thank you all so much for your support. :*

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charity, cats. alfie

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