What have I been up to, lately?

Sep 08, 2013 21:07

To sum it up:

Good: Alfie had his big surgery day on Friday, and all went well. All his teeth save the canines were removed (due to a genetic effect, the rest had been growing in the wrong direction and caused very bad inflammation). You can really tell how happy he is that he's not in pain anymore. On the downside, I'm gutted that he had to suffer so long without getting the help needed.

Bad: we'd hoped that removing the teeth would help reducing his chronic snuffles. No such luck, though, the snot production is still going strong, and it looks like there's really no other option now but heading for the German specialist for laser surgery.

Good: I finally, finally have my own washing machine! Yayness! (Communal washing machine is on the fifth floor. I live on the first. There's no lift. Go figure.) Her name is Ludmilla Proper and she's a wee Electrolux toploader. Second hand, but in top shape, and as I've put her on wheels, I managed to fit her into the kitchen, just to be wheeled out when the laundry needs to be done. Agatha, being deaf and therefore especially appreciatve of other stimuli, fell in love with Ludmilla's rumbling activity. She's not leaving her side. It's an odd friendship, but with lots of potential.

Bad: I'm getting addicted to washing. I can hardly keep myself from encouraging Alfie from sneezing on my t-shirts.

Good: I bought yet another tea pot (PINEAPPLE!!!)

Bad: rather than reducing my tea intake, I increased it. But seriously, who could resist this pot?!

Bad: my allergies have flared up again, and in a rather unpleasant way. The doctors can't tell me why the situation escalated, but it looks like, in addition to being allergic to just about everything that blooms and grows (with exception of Oak - Collingwood would lke that and Horse Chestnut), I've developed some pretty strong reactions to certain scents. Luckily, neither my friends nor colleagues douse themselves in perfume or empty cans of hairspray on their heads, but just sitting behind somebody who does in the tram causes my eyes to itch and swell, my nose to run and other unpleasant things. So I'm currently in and out of hospital for tests.

Also: plantar fasciitis on both feet. And yes, it's as stupid as it sounds. Very painful, means lots of physiotherapy, and that on top of work, hospital checks, and daily thorough flat cleaning due to snotty Alfie. This hardly leaves me time for online fun (hence me not being around much lately).

Good: writing goes well. Silly stories about cats are fun to write and don't need too much research.

Molly originally posted this entry at http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/415614.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

cats, one of those issues, private

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