Back from Fedcon!

May 22, 2012 23:23

Back from space!

And I don't know where to start. At least I managed to get the laundry done, but I'm way behind with just about everything else. Why can't days have more hours? *whinge*

Anyway. Fedcon XXI was good, but it was way, way too crowded for my taste. We didn't make any plans, which was a good thing, because time tables and schedules were changed all the time. We took things as they came and tried not to get hurried or stressed. As we didn't buy autographs or photographs, there was no queuing involved for us - and there were queues right into the airport, folks!


Meeting bimo and finally meeting hermine and shirasade ! I enjoyed our chats a lot, though they were faaar too short. I hope we'll have more time next year, my lovely ladies. *smooches*

Football: Bayern lost. Hah. HAH, I SAY! (We fled the public viewing due to the rolling eyeballs and bared teeth of the fannish Bavarian majority and schadenfreuded in front of the telly...)

Casper van Dien (Starship Troopers, Sleepy Hollow, Tarzan): an all around cool dog! I don't like Starship Troopers at all, but this guy was a hoot. Snarky, witty and geeky, always right in the middle of a bulk of fans and having a blast. It's so great if guests are fans as well!

Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver, SG-1): more chilled than last time, obviously also in better health and braving even the most idiotic questions ("Do you know why we think you're hot? Do you want to marry me? Do you read Jack/Daniel slash?" ARGH!) My favourite guest, of course.

William Shatner (ST: TOS, Boston Legal): I never liked Kirk. Sacrilege, I know, but I just didn't. I adored Spock, Bones and Scotty, but loathed Kirk even as a child. However, there was something fascinating about seeing a legend like Captain Kirk in person. He wasn't divaesque or arrogant at all. I think he sees himself in the role of a "wise teacher" these days... I much prefer Danny Crane to Kirk, and there definitely is a lot of Danny Crane in William Shatner!

Garrett Wang (ST: VOY): He's funny, witty and makes a great MC; he always puts the guests first and manages to make them feel comfortable. A good MC is a good host, after all. He told one story in the panel he shared with Walter Koenig (ST: TOS), how, after years of playing ensign Harry Kim (Kim = one of the most common Korean family names) he went to the authors of the show and asked them if they couldn't write a Chinese character into the new series "Enterprise", as the political climate back then was rather tense between the USA and China due to some shot down drone and as a sign of goodwill. The author looked at him and told him that there already was a Chinese character - Harry Kim. So all the years, he'd played Korean Harry Kim only to learn that to the author, Korean and Chinese were obviously the same. FAIL!

Walter Koenig (ST: TOS, B5): A lovely man, very courtuous, who presented a very touching, bitter-sweet short movie. He's gone through many personal tragedies and health scares these last years, and it showed. All the more I appreciate that he came to Fedcon and took the time to talk to his fans.

Jonathan Frakes (ST: TNG): No. 1 is completely nuts, but in the best possible way. He was hilarious, and the crowd loved him. He reported back from the set of the next Startrek movie and said he'd seen the Cumberbunny as Khan and that he was absolutely awesome. Curious now!

Eric Avari (ST: SG1, the Mummy): Very charming, very smart. He said that he'd been offered tons of roles as terrorist after 9/11, simply because of the way he looks (his parents were actually from India), and he turned them all down, refusing to help stereotyping people. This caused him a lot of trouble and he had a hard time getting word again. Much respect to him!

Dr. Grordbort exhibition by Greg Broadmore! Fantasticbrilliantfantabulousgenius!

The many representatives of the Steampunk scene, who had the most awesome costumes and added a lot of originality and creativity to the con.


Too much of a good thing. Huge crowds, far too many people, the feeling of a mass event. Difficult to find the con spirit there; I rather they book fewer stars and keep the whole thing smaller and more fun.

Elitist fans. Yeah, some people don't wear a costume. Get over it.

If I never have to hear some smug twit ask guests about fanfic again (or other "edgy" questions), it will be too soon.


Plus there was the sponsor who sold a drink called "Ficken", which means "to fuck". I - yeah. I got nothing. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I don't want some girl waving a "Ficken" sign next to me and yell "One fuck only one Euro!"


All things considered, it was good fun, but I really hope for smaller scale next year. Then again, I don't know how they could top this year's line-up, anyway. I hope for some Doctor Who guests...

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