On Stranger Tides Countdown Discussion: Day 5

May 18, 2011 09:22

Pilfered from corrielle - counting down the days to Wednesday (that's when I'll see On Stranger Tides - yes, I've already bought the ticket!).

Day 5. If you could bring one character from the first three movies back for OST, who would you choose? How would you write him or her in?

James Norrington, of course!

How to write him in... hmmm.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (alt. version)

Jack Sparrow learns from pirate in the service of Blackbeard that Norrington isn't dead dead, but rather trapped on the Flying Dutchman. Needing the help of the Royal Navy to get to the Fountain of Youth first, Jack makes a deal with Gillette: he'll accompany the British to the Fountain of Youth, in exchange Jack will ask Will Turner to deliver Norrington free of charge to the island where the Fountain of Youth is located. Gillette conveniently forgets to mention that the captain in charge of the ship is Barbossa. Will is glad to help out, because his ten years of servitude are over, he's heading home to Elizabeth, the island is on his way and he's a nice bloke. Jack spents the journey holystoning the deck and cursing Gillette.

Upon arrival at the island, the Flying Dutchman finds herself under attack of the Spanish fleet, supported by packs of Velociraptors and Flying Monkeys. Will gets the chance to demonstrate his mad skills as a swordsman in some fierce battle scenes. Also, he takes off his shirt in the process, with the result that he has to fight off the mermaids as well. There's some snark between him and Gillette, Barbossa and Jack bicker and argue, but eventually, they all team up to get Norrington back to life by means of the Fountain. Jack and Barbossa find a plan which marks the hiding place of the Holy Grail; they stock up on coconuts and escape with the help of some ninja zombie turtles.

Gillette and Norrington sail into the sunset, with Gillette leaving at least four broken-hearted mermaids behind. Sightings of ginger mermaids have been reported since.

The End.

Day 1. What were your first impressions?
Day 2. What's a cool/interesting/favorite piece of pirate/navy/PotC stuff you own?
Day 3. If you make fanworks, link to a piece of your work that you're especially proud of. If you don't make fanworks, link to a piece you're especially proud of finding. ;-)
Day 4. What are your hopes for the new film? What are you most looking forward to?
Day 5. If you could bring one character from the first three movies back for OST, who would you choose? How would you write him or her in?
Day 6. Tell about a favorite/funny/happy memory of your involvement in the PotC fandom.
Day 7. I'm assuming we'll all see the movie somewhere around here… Describe your initial reaction in 100 words or less.

Molly originally posted this entry at http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/320104.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

meme, potc 4

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