No, seriously. What have women ever done to you?

Feb 19, 2011 11:00

I woke up this morning to the news that the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to bar Planned Parenthood health centers from all federal funding for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV testing, and other lifesaving care. A truly vile bit of misogyny. Why this obsession with people's reproductive rights? Why this obsession with making women's lives as difficult and dangerous as possible? Do they hate their mothers? Loathe their sisters? Still sulk over being ditched by a girl back in 1977?

Officially, this is about saving money. But in fact it's yet another "Whine! Whine! Whine! No baby killing with my tax dollars!" attempt at making abortion unavailable to as many women as possible. I'm baffled how many people actually believe that PP is some sort of baby-murder chain, where women have abortions just for the fun of it.

But the truth is that millions of women in the USA don't have access to the medical care they need. PP is not only about handing out condoms or, yes, helping a woman in need to get an abortion. Trust me, despite what the rancid farts over at FOX news tell you, women are capable of thinking, and they think long and hard about the decision of having a baby or not. You don't get up in the morning and think: "oh, hey, nice day, should I get a manicure or an abortion?"

It's also about preventing people from getting sick and dying. How anybody in their sane mind can think this is a bad thing, I don't know. Oh, yes - "think of those poor babies!" To those politicians, babies are only of importance and cared for until they are born. Then they are a nuisance, a burden and, hey, look, here we have it again: USING YOUR PRECIOUS TAX DOLLARS!

Now, where I live, abortion isn't an issue. It's available, it's legal, and the only ones who try to make it an issue are wealthy US Americans who've moved here to work and now throw their money at small lunatic extremist groups who try to change the status quo. It's a waste of money, because my country doesn't work the way the USA do (a difficult concept for those people to grasp), but it still annoys me. And while there are thousands of miles between me and my friends in the USA, they are my friends, and I want them to have access to all the care they need.

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If you want to show your support for Planned Parenthood, you can sign their letter to the Congress here. You can also participate in the rallies that are currently organised. Write and protest, make your voice heard. I'll write to the embassy and let them know that feminism and equality are global illnesses they can't cure with laws.

Molly originally posted this entry at You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

rant, politics, feminism, wtf

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