Cooking! Or how not to do it...

Nov 12, 2010 13:10

I love cooking. I usually cook from scratch, I don't own a microwave (if there should ever one become available that looks like a Dalek, I might reconsider, though). I could say that I do this because it's healthier and better etc., but the truth is that it's more fun, at least for me. ;-) Fun times are had with Italian dishes; onions and garlic and oregano and basil, yay! The kitchen always looks a mess, and the flour is usually evenly spread between the pie and the cats, but what the heck, it's fun!

But now I found something even funnier...


and I couldn't stop laughing. I'm all for keeping it simple and basic, that's what I do myself, and it's what works best in daily life, but... AHAHAHA! That? I can't believe it! And this lady is a celebrity chef? I'm in awe.

TV cooking shows are a pain, anyway. There seem to be a million of them, along with home-improvement and make-over programmes. The only one I can watch without getting green around the gills is on German TV, and it's more a loyalty thing. The show recently took one of the guys from the Rote Gourmet Fraktion aboard, who used to do the catering for some of the bands I've worked with, and we all loved them. Plus, it's fun to yell at the telly when you see how the chefs desperately try to help people running a restaurant who have never chopped an onion in their lives, can't tell pasta from pesto and whose only motivation is that they want to be self-employed so they won't have anybody who'll tell them what to do. Here's a tip, guys: the guests will tell you!

And now I'm off to prepare the place for the arrival of my esteemed guests. I'll make Omelette Valaisanne with Rapunzel (*cackle*). Mmmm...

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