I love you but do you love me, oh, Diana, can't you see...

May 04, 2010 12:08

Author Diana Gabaldon doesn't like fanfiction.
Fair enough.
Unfortunately, she can't just leave it at "ew, gross, don't write about my characters" (a wish the overwhelming majority of fans would respect), but pulls a Rice instead.

OK, my position on fan-fic is pretty clear: I think it’s immoral, I _know_ it’s illegal, and it makes me want to barf whenever I’ve inadvertently encountered some of it involving my characters.

Now, I spend a lot of time on the internet, but I never "inadvertently" encountered fanfic set in Gabaldon's universe. Funny, that! I suppose she has a Gabaldar, the author's equivalent to the spidey-sense, leading her magically to the dark corners of the internet where Outlander-fanfics fornicate in the bushes.

Her rant is crammed with wrong assumptions, incorrect "facts", ridiculous comparisons and arrogance towards the lowly amateurs. That aspect irks me most.

Don't get me wrong: of course she has every right to hate fanfic. She has every right to rant about it. But if an author

compares writing fanfic to selling ones children into white slavery

then I have every right to judge said author - not for disliking fanfic, but for being a snob who clearly doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. She's in the same boat with her supporters there, though. Birds of a feather... if you want to rant, at least get all the facts before you make a fool of yourself on the internet.

Disclaimer: I read some of Diana Gabaldon's books. I didn't like them enough to review them.

PS: "who _didn’t_ take a moment to contemplate what it would have been like if Elizabeth Swann had kissed Jack Sparrow instead of staying with Orlando Bloom?" - ME, Mrs. Gabaldon - ME! And I'm not the only one! (Funny how she can't make a distinction between fictional character and actor. That explains a lot!)

I'd be tickled pink if somebody wrote fanfic about my characters. And if the fic in question was a pile of rubbish, I could always take to register under another LJ name and flame the author into orbit. Or write fanfic about my fic myself. Fun times all around!

rant, meta, wtf, fandom, writing

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