Recent highlights:
Homeschool days at the zoo and Atlanta Museum of Design, where we learned to program in
Scratch and make programmable robots with Legos.
Hannukah party where Z steadfastly refused to try latkes, even though I described them to him as "a pancake made of french fries." We played a game of Carcasonne, and he played hide and seek with two other kids there; at one point he hid so well no one could find him for a good 10 minutes, which now hold the record for longest minutes of my life.
Our own tree-trimming party, where Z decorated cookies with two friends, and helped set up the Christmas village and hang ornaments on the tree.
Playing Draw Something with me and his grandpa. He can guess most words on his own now.
We finished "A Tale of Two Cities," which confused Z greatly about the fate of Sidney Carton. "Does he disappear from jail and escape?" No, it's a far, far better thing...Leading to an understanding of the "tragic figure" card in the game Guillotine, where we accrue points by beheading nobles.
There's been a recent interest in South Africa, both because our friend Kristin moved there this year, and because of a
Tom Smith song we've been playing in the car. So today we looked up a web site about South Africa, and learned about Nelson Mandela.
Today we also wrote a letter to Santa, and played a word game called