Content: Dean and Castiel, Hell.Rating: R(?) Definitely not work-safe, though there isn't any anatomy you wouldn't see at a public pool. Source/Inspiration: For
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Ohdearlord those wings are gorgeous! They're all silvery and soft (swoon). I really like the lens flares; it's like Cas is so bright he's freaking Hell out. Because he doesn't belong. But the crucifix (!!!) and Dean's expression too (I think you got this really right, because Dean *is* making a decision at this point in the fic, and it's a very vulnerable moment, and your Dean shows this)... I love it all.
Thanks for doing this! I totally understand because I FELL IN LOVE with this fic too, and had to write my own fic about the fic just to DEAL WITH IT. And it's still slowly eating my brain; I can feel it ;)
Now I'm all inspired to write wing!porn and describe your beautiful wing art :) Best. Flist. Ever.
@____@. Fic with wings ... and public pools hahaha! ... in which I am (however minimally) a factor?! *_____* I'm absolutely flattered! Ok that's it, fandom is a magnificent place full of wonderfully encouraging, enthusiastic, amazing, fantabulous people! :D :D :D
You know, I've thought slash fandom to be the coolest thing on Earth since I first discovered it, but *this* fandom -- Supernatural, J2, Dean/Cas -- is a whole other level. The creative stuff alone blows me away almost daily. I'm not gonna think about it too long, or I might freak out. It is that awesome.
I can't guarantee it's gone in a place anyone was thinking about, but yes, public pools and wings. It is being done ;)
fjkdlsjafskldfjs As I said above, BEING AN ENABLER IS SO MUCH FUN! \O/ Can't WAIT to see this, bb!
(Having browsed the other comments here, I'm glad you two are friends now, that makes me a bit proud of myself for some reason, like I wrote something that brought people together, hahahhahha will stop being a soppy loser now.)
Please don't take this (crazy long) comment the wrong way XD but just based on your comment I'm amazed how alike we think. Because:
it's like Cas is so bright he's freaking Hell out This is pretty much the same justification I told myself, when I started putting arguably chick-flick lighting effects in a picture set in Hell! :D :D :D Because in my mind, the things Castiel brought with him, hope, and faith ~ still so steadfast after suffering so MUCH (and then re-awakening those things in Dean) ~ could very well set off weird chemical/physical reactions in Hell's atmosphere/magnetic fields/whatever, causing such lights, right? XD
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could very well set off weird chemical/physical reactions in Hell's atmosphere/magnetic fields/whatever, causing such lights, right? XD
YES. It made perfect sense to me :) Because Cas didn't belong there, and yet he was fated to be there. For the same reason, Dean would eventually leave with him. Like they are this fragile thing when they're together, yet they have this awesome, awesome power behind them (fate, God, faith) that not even they understand.
Um, should I just say now that you don't need to apologize for crazy long comments? ;) And I continue...
I was surprised when you said you were most worried about Dean's expression. Because I thought you totally got it. Can I friend you? I don't want to miss your work :)
If it makes you feel any better, I don't think I've achieved total catharsis either when it comes to Tracy's fic or Cas and Dean! And I've been writing wing!porn all day. Ack! It's only getting worse! (Your wings here have been inspirational, BTW) :) I can't believe we have 4 episodes to go and even
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Like they are this fragile thing when they're together, yet they have this awesome, awesome power behind them...that not even they understand.
*___* Ok, now I'm even more afraid to read your fic. HOWEVER! I WILL read it! :D (So glad the weekend is near!)
And OH! *starry starry eyes* totally friending you! Actually I thought of this when I started replying but there was too much awesomeness for my brain to handle all at once.
Again, I feel the same ~ about not knowing how it's possible they'll keep upping the ante on the show, but somehow they just do. (I thought I just couldn't BE any more impressed with Mischa Collins, and then in 4.16 he blew me away exponentially more than in any previous episode. And the episode even did things I thought I wouldn't like, in ways that made me like them, SO MUCH! They are evil masterminds or something.)
#($&@?! my pictures are a factor in your current fic-writing??? I'm amazed and honored by this! @___@ Thanks so much for making a newcomer feel so welcome, yes I'm positively basking, thank you
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Birds? Castiel? :D Sorry but the first thing that comes to my mind is the smaller birds, the ones whose heads snap around so very quickly. Ok ok, I'm thinking of bigger birds now, hunter birds, gliding on outstretched wings, or swooping. Castiel, swooping awesomely. YES. Now in a very good mental place. XD
Oh oh! I don't know how he did it but Mischa Collins actually did something that made me think HEY that's like he HAS WINGS! ~ in 4.16 when he turns back to face Sam in the hospital hallway ~ it's kind of a wheeling motion, ohmygoodness, have any other fans mentioned this?!! I would suspect I'm over-reading the moment but I was focusing so much on the Sam-Castiel interaction; I only thought of this way later... :D
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I don't know, I like sparrows and robins and bluejays :) I tried to avoid the bird metaphors as best I could... and then I started reading slash fic, and wing!sex. Sigh
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I can see the bird metaphors now. :) Oddly sparrows and robins and bluejays seem very appropriate for Castiel. Innocent watchful little birds? XD bah, I don't know what I'm talking about.
The Trickster is like God, yes! Ultimate deux-ex-machina character. And it would make sense for God to be an irony-loving prank-playing... trickster :) in this show.
No no, you didn't spoil me. (Now I understand your fic better but it didn't spoil anything!) Anyway I spoiled myself silly for 4.16 even though that was the first one I actively tried not to be spoiled for, which ended up not mattering so much anyway, because I had to take so many breaks. :P So now yes I'm extremely invested. I had to stop 4.18 before it even got to any angsty parts - when the looping meta-ish nature of it got too much to handle; (Dean said it all made his head hurt and I thought ME TOO DEAN ME TOO!) then I was LOLing at Dean actually ordering tofu burger without being angel-brainwashed, yelling at Dean not to go anywhere near the Impala (seriously he needs to PARK it
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(ooh, I saw the post for your fic and it sounds really really good but I haven't had time to read it yet. But I will! And I'll get back to you soon. Promise!)
So are you caught up with SPN episodes yet? 4.19 was good, but I think you'll find it easier to get through than 4.16 and 4.18. Still, this season is going to kill me yet. I read the blurb for 4.21 today, but that's as far as I've gotten.
So that Dean/Cas scene at the soda machine, huh? Pretty awesome! That's why I couldn't believe you hadn't seen it yet! Cas!!!! And Dean!!!! (Hmm, I think that's as coherent as I can be about them at this point.) ;)
It's funny, but I'd heard some spoilers about angels awhile back, and now I don't know which angel those spoilers are for. I'm hoping it's for Cas and not Anna *is hoping*
DRAMATIC GUY ANGST FTW! Especially with Jensen playing one of the characters. Or, as in Dream a Little Dream of Me, both! *swoon* Demon!Dean is the hotness. I've been spoiled by all of the icons for kitsu84's ficmix. She says there is a vid for Tracy'
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Re: beta readers - I put in a request at the spn_beta community because this was the first SPN fic I was attempting and I really wanted the characterization to be at least believable, especially since my diction isn't like Sam or Dean's. (Nerdy/pseudo-scientific diction right here!) ^___
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You like threatening!Castiel, huh? Have you seen 4.20 yet? :) And have you survived it?
I think I might try betas again after this month. I don't have enough time to get my daily May fics betaed at this point, and I'm still working my way up to the idea. That's a good idea about asking for help with specific things.
Thanks for doing this! I totally understand because I FELL IN LOVE with this fic too, and had to write my own fic about the fic just to DEAL WITH IT. And it's still slowly eating my brain; I can feel it ;)
Now I'm all inspired to write wing!porn and describe your beautiful wing art :) Best. Flist. Ever.
DO IT. There can never be enough wing!porn in the world, especially if those wings are WET. *_*
(Oh god, I actually have a *bunny* and *notes* already... %$#%^^&^& lordy, lordy, fandom...)
I can't guarantee it's gone in a place anyone was thinking about, but yes, public pools and wings. It is being done ;)
(Having browsed the other comments here, I'm glad you two are friends now, that makes me a bit proud of myself for some reason, like I wrote something that brought people together, hahahhahha will stop being a soppy loser now.)
it's like Cas is so bright he's freaking Hell out This is pretty much the same justification I told myself, when I started putting arguably chick-flick lighting effects in a picture set in Hell! :D :D :D Because in my mind, the things Castiel brought with him, hope, and faith ~ still so steadfast after suffering so MUCH (and then re-awakening those things in Dean) ~ could very well set off weird chemical/physical reactions in Hell's atmosphere/magnetic fields/whatever, causing such lights, right? XD ( ... )
YES. It made perfect sense to me :) Because Cas didn't belong there, and yet he was fated to be there. For the same reason, Dean would eventually leave with him. Like they are this fragile thing when they're together, yet they have this awesome, awesome power behind them (fate, God, faith) that not even they understand.
Um, should I just say now that you don't need to apologize for crazy long comments? ;) And I continue...
I was surprised when you said you were most worried about Dean's expression. Because I thought you totally got it. Can I friend you? I don't want to miss your work :)
If it makes you feel any better, I don't think I've achieved total catharsis either when it comes to Tracy's fic or Cas and Dean! And I've been writing wing!porn all day. Ack! It's only getting worse! (Your wings here have been inspirational, BTW) :) I can't believe we have 4 episodes to go and even ( ... )
*___* Ok, now I'm even more afraid to read your fic. HOWEVER! I WILL read it! :D (So glad the weekend is near!)
And OH! *starry starry eyes* totally friending you! Actually I thought of this when I started replying but there was too much awesomeness for my brain to handle all at once.
Again, I feel the same ~ about not knowing how it's possible they'll keep upping the ante on the show, but somehow they just do. (I thought I just couldn't BE any more impressed with Mischa Collins, and then in 4.16 he blew me away exponentially more than in any previous episode. And the episode even did things I thought I wouldn't like, in ways that made me like them, SO MUCH! They are evil masterminds or something.)
#($&@?! my pictures are a factor in your current fic-writing??? I'm amazed and honored by this! @___@ Thanks so much for making a newcomer feel so welcome, yes I'm positively basking, thank you ( ... )
Oh oh! I don't know how he did it but Mischa Collins actually did something that made me think HEY that's like he HAS WINGS! ~ in 4.16 when he turns back to face Sam in the hospital hallway ~ it's kind of a wheeling motion, ohmygoodness, have any other fans mentioned this?!! I would suspect I'm over-reading the moment but I was focusing so much on the Sam-Castiel interaction; I only thought of this way later... :D ( ... )
The Trickster is like God, yes! Ultimate deux-ex-machina character. And it would make sense for God to be an irony-loving prank-playing... trickster :) in this show.
No no, you didn't spoil me. (Now I understand your fic better but it didn't spoil anything!) Anyway I spoiled myself silly for 4.16 even though that was the first one I actively tried not to be spoiled for, which ended up not mattering so much anyway, because I had to take so many breaks. :P So now yes I'm extremely invested. I had to stop 4.18 before it even got to any angsty parts - when the looping meta-ish nature of it got too much to handle; (Dean said it all made his head hurt and I thought ME TOO DEAN ME TOO!) then I was LOLing at Dean actually ordering tofu burger without being angel-brainwashed, yelling at Dean not to go anywhere near the Impala (seriously he needs to PARK it ( ... )
So are you caught up with SPN episodes yet? 4.19 was good, but I think you'll find it easier to get through than 4.16 and 4.18. Still, this season is going to kill me yet. I read the blurb for 4.21 today, but that's as far as I've gotten.
So that Dean/Cas scene at the soda machine, huh? Pretty awesome! That's why I couldn't believe you hadn't seen it yet! Cas!!!! And Dean!!!! (Hmm, I think that's as coherent as I can be about them at this point.) ;)
It's funny, but I'd heard some spoilers about angels awhile back, and now I don't know which angel those spoilers are for. I'm hoping it's for Cas and not Anna *is hoping*
DRAMATIC GUY ANGST FTW! Especially with Jensen playing one of the characters. Or, as in Dream a Little Dream of Me, both! *swoon* Demon!Dean is the hotness. I've been spoiled by all of the icons for kitsu84's ficmix. She says there is a vid for Tracy' ( ... )
I think I might try betas again after this month. I don't have enough time to get my daily May fics betaed at this point, and I'm still working my way up to the idea. That's a good idea about asking for help with specific things.
Happy Thursday!
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