Jonghyun needed help.
SMB promotions had just ended, and now he was able to be with all his members again. But he really needed someone to guide him through the storm that was ravaging his insides right now. He was afraid to not be able to control himself when all of that would burst out. But you would want to know, what was that.
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You're joking, right? I love it don't you worry your pretty little head with that. I love it.
And damn, girl it just blew up to a four shot. I love you and you writting diaorrhea that blurts such beautiful things. I love it taht you get so into the scenes and the actions that you say more that you meant and in the end a oneshot comes a two shot and finaly a four shot. I am in love with your little pictures and gifs in the kiddle of the story, they make it so awesome and so complete ant totally help us, readers see what you mean.
As for the story itself, i really want to hit Jjong on the head with something really heavy, how can he not see how much Kibum's hurting? Damn you, Dinoboy all he wants from you are three simple words that are not I miss you buy more like I love you. Ugh! You really need to menup and confess what you see and understand, boy. The fact you see it and understand it alone donst mean Kibum knows what you see and understand . Thats why you need to SAY it.
I love Onew, he's very leader-like here, taking csre of Kibum. Dear Teaminnie, can I hug you to death?
I cannot wait till next chapter, you are among the few authours I'm willing to sacrifice my presh time to read and comment. My dwar Luna being anothwr one but me and her we have an understanding about me being into the zone while reading her stuff so I hope she understands why Im keeping away from (im sure ) the awesome Kaleidoscopes. Anyway I really hope you update soon this coz I'm on the lookout for it!
OMG You said it, it is writting diarrhea . With how I wrote Jjong before I just couldn't let him pounce on Key like a cat on fish. Don' wouldn't do. Daww' I like those gifs too. I write then in my folder I would just find THE picture and gif that is just perfect. Maybe my ideas came from them and I didn't even knew it, thus you see what I really mean and I'm happy cuz I know ppl don't see things like others since the things in my head are so weird
Tch, you say it better than I would have. It's not because he knows it that it's obvious. He has to say it and not only want to eat the cookie up. Take the cookie, say I love you THEN eat it xD. He has to man up, or no Cookie for him !
Hug Minnie but beware the flaming charisma's stare. Onew is always leader like, he's even as almighty as Kibum when it comes to his members but just doesn't show it.
Daww~thank you for taking your time to read me. I feel honored really. I too have authors I just CAN'T not read them if I see it wahtever I am doing§. And sometimes it's in my japanese class. Damn me having internet on my phone and having a Jongkey page application arf.
I updated pretty fast from when you've updates. Hope you liked it . Muchos love ♥♥♥
I like how you comment so much on my fics /drools !
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