May 01, 2008 21:50
So before facebook and before myspace there was....livejournal! I first started this account sophomore year of high school. I remember because I went to debate camp (yeah I'm cool) at LSU that summer and all the counselor people had one and I thought I was very mature for having one also...they are also all still my friends on here so hello if you're reading this! Anyways myspace was the next networking site but that eventually got way too sketchy for me just in time for the high school version of facebook! Also right in time for Hurricane Katrina so I could keep up with all my friends from my New Orleans school when we were scattered and then all my Katrina school friends. And by keep up I probably more accurately mean stalk these days (love the mini feed!) but that is besides the point. I've kept this account because I forgot to delete it and because there is a group dedicated to one of my favorite authors (Sherwood Smith) where she actually posts and participates! Very cool I know! So if anything I'll use this for Crown Duel (her first novel) and Inda (one of her latest and very amazing novels...sequel is The Fox and third book called King's Shield coming soon) updates and fun facts but I wanted to expand.
I don't think I'm going to be writing anything too deep or personal here but general thoughts, ideas, cool things I've found/read/seen and want to share with the world. A few rants every now and then perhaps. Pretty much another way not to study for my exams which is always a good thing. I need to be weaned off facebook a bit as well. So yeah. Here is my reintroduction I guess.
Name: Jordan (think Michael)
Hometown: New Orleans!!!! I'm very proud of this fact.
School: UNC-Chapel Hill. GO HEELS!
Those are the basics I guess. More to come (unless I forget again...)