Does It Get Any Easier?

Aug 08, 2009 00:26

Why cant things ever work out the way i want? seriously? am i living life so wrong that i need to be punished? I'm sick of it, why cant i catch a break? ... i understand there has been breaks but then as soon as i just start to get over something, something else happens!!! First my mom died when i was 9, from a brain anerism, then a year later my dad killed himself, Drug overdose and i mean thats freekin hard, and theres not one day that goes by that i wish they hadnt. Then i go into the whole "foster care" thing where im constantly bein thrown around like a rag doll, and when we find someone we think is good they take us out after three years when i finally got settled, for good reasons but still. Then i cause more stress by cutting myself to end all this, clearly didnt work, i eventually got help and etc. but Then lifes normal for a bit till i meet a boy who sweeps me off my feet and i fall madly inlove with him, and hes jsut as much in love with me so we got engaged after one year of dating, then out of nowhere (after 2 years) he goes to england and ends up meeting a girl and sleeping with her. Then we break up and he goes and tells most of my friends lies about me and ends up convinceing my 8 year best friend to sleep with him. So does this stuff ever end? i mean i do have good family , my 2 brothers and an aunt, uncle and some cousins which are good, but i barrely knew them till my rents died, its just this life is so damn hard, and im sure alot of other people have it way harder, but i cant tell you how they do it! its crazy.
How does everyone deal with life????? 
does it get better???

life, depressing

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