a couple months back, I made a promise to my Ethiopian colleague Meswaet that I would not say "Good morning" to her unless it actually was a good morning. @ all other times, I would say, simply, "Morning." This morning, th exchange went on for a bit longer than usual.
"Mornin', Meswaet."
"Just 'morning'?"
"Ah dunno."
"Yes, Meswaet?"
"How are you."
"Fine fine fine."
"Yes. You know, except I JUST DON'T LIKE MYSELF VERY MUCH."
"Hee hee hee hee don't say that."
"Why not, it's true. Also, everyone is against me."
"You are lying."
"No, I'm not. Also I don't have any reliable friends, ones I can count on."
"You are lying. I see your face."
"Meswaet, why would I lie about something so serious. I just wish, for once in my ..."
"Yes? For once in your life?"
"... for once in my life, that someone would BELIEVE in me, and would say, 'Mario, I believe in you. I think you are talented, and you will be a success in life'--"
"You are still young, Mario, of course you will--"
"No, not really. And it's because I have a terrible relationship w/ my mother, isn't it."
"You are lying."
"No, it's true. She never wanted to have me. I was just a accident."
"How do you know that."
"She told me herself. And that she never loved my father, and my father never loved her. Th only reason they got married was because of me."
"Are they together."
"Yes, they're together."
"Then you did a good job. You brought them together, and they are still together, that means they love each other."
"I don't even believe in love anymore, Meswaet. It's just people lying to each other, isn't it."
"No, don't say that. It's real, love is real."
"Well, ask me again tomorrow."
"OK. I hope it will be a good morning."
"Yes, Meswaet."
"Do we reimburse people for road maps."
"I don't know. It depends, did th traveller eat th map afterwards?"
"Hee hee I don't know."
"'Cos den that would jest fall under per diem, wouldn't it."
"OK I will ask her if she ate the map."
My Indian colleague Stanley brought to my attention an ad in th paper announcing a public appearance in Washington, D.C. by th Indian hugging guru, Mata Amritanandamayi
--known to her followers as Amma. Her specialty is non-violent conflict resolution, demonstrated through hugs. Meswaet encouraged me to go see her.
"Maybe she will be the one to believe in you."
"Yeah but what if I get out there, and she doesn't believe in me? What if I'm th one person she refuses to hug?"
"Well, then you better not go."
"I know, right? 'Cos that would BREAK MY HEART."