Fanfic: A Little Bit of Hurt.

Feb 06, 2008 13:03

Title: A Little Bit of Hurt
Rating: PG is for bad language
Pairing: None, although kind of hints at Ianto/Jack/Andy.
Warning: Slash kind of. 
Summary: Andy get's injured.
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just borrowing them, will return of course.
Author's Notes:  Okay I was given a prompt from
dancy_dreamerwho wanted some Ianto/Jack/Andy, well it didn't quite go as I wanted but I did write something!! There is several lines of Welsh in this, that are translated at the beginning of the fic to make things easier. Thanks to
dancy_dreamer and
welshhelen. Oh yes and it's been x-posted a few places!

Welsh Translations:

Trust me he’s always like this   “Cred ti fi, mae e fel hyn bob amser”

The thing that attacked you. It’s going to attack again, tell us what you know  “Y peth ymosododd arnot ti. Mae e mynd i ymosod ar pobol eraill, dwed wrtho ni beth ti’n gwybod.”

What the hell "Beth uffern?"

Arrogant Captain  “Capten balch”

Rotten dirt  "baw bwdr"

A Little Hurt.

“Sir, we may have a problem.”

“Only may have?”

“It’s PC Davidson, sir.”

“The blond Welsh police officer?”

“Yes sir.”

“What’s happened?” asked Jack, a note of concern entering his voice.

“He’s been attacked sir; he’s claiming it was something “spooky” sir.”


“His words sir, not mine.”

“Well then, let’s go see what he’s got to say.”


Groaning he leant back in the chair, the ice packs resting on his head. He’d been discharged from the hospital only to find that he had to make his own way home. In a way that was why he missed Gwen; she’d always make sure he got home okay if he ended up injured.

Of course, once she’d joined Torchwood, he’d pretty much been on his own. Sighing he closed his eyes; maybe the darkness would ease the pounding ache in his head.

He wasn’t exactly sure what had attacked him, just that it had been bigger than him. He could remember something cutting through his jacket and shirt, tearing away at his skin but the rest was a blur.

Even the medical staff had mentioned the oddity of the cuts on his arm, especially considering how deep they were.

Shifting slightly in his seat, he stretched his legs out in front of him ready to settle in for the night. There really was no way he was going to be moving around now.

A loud banging on his door made him jump, the ice pack landing on the floor as he lurched forwards.

“Who’s there?” called Andy, trying to reach for the ice pack.


“Well you can just leave, I don’t want to talk to any of you lot.”

“Now really, is that anyway to speak to us?”

“Yes it bloody well is.” Andy replied.

He was tired, in pain and really wasn’t in any mood to entertain Torchwood that evening. He heard a small shuffling outside his door before it all went quiet.

Sighing in relief he leant back in the chair, the ice pack now forgotten on the floor, preparing to totally forget the intrusion, when he heard the muffled shuffling again and his door came banging open, bouncing off the wall.

“Beth uffern?” cursed Andy.

“PC Andy I presume?” asked Jack smiling.

“What the hell do you think your doing?”

“I told you breaking in wouldn’t be appreciated, sir,” replied Ianto, stepping into the house.

Andy just spluttered incoherently for a moment before getting up. His head protested violently at the movement, causing him to hold onto the back of his chair.

“Leave!” said Andy.

“Can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because something attacked you, something that maybe wasn’t human,” answered Jack. “Plus couldn’t let my second favourite Welshman be hurt now could I?”

“Well I…What?”

It took him a moment to realise that the Captain was deadly serious. Blushing, he ducked his head, more to keep the room from spinning than anything else. He moved back to his seat, if he was going to deal with Jack Harkness he needed to be sat down.

“Capten Balch,” said Andy.

Unfortunately it seemed he wasn’t quite good enough in his assessment as Ianto gave him a smile. He had forgotten that Ianto could understand Welsh even if the Captain couldn’t.

“Cred ti fi, mae e fel hyn bob amser,” replied Ianto smirking.

“Ya know as lovely as it is to hear you both talk with them accents. I’m missing out on something aren’t I?” asked Jack.

“Nothing of importance, sir,” answered Ianto.

“That’s okay then. Now then Andy, mind telling us what happened?”

Sighing again, Andy tried to recall exactly what happened. It was fuzzy for him; he could remember walking past one of the side streets then…well that’s when it attacked him. What ever it was? Shaking his head he pushed the thoughts away, no, he was just mugged, and that was all.

“Mugged, I was mugged Captain.”

“By what?”

“You mean who?”

He didn’t want it to be a what, if it was a what then…well he didn’t like to think about it. If he thought about it, it made things complicated and that was the last thing he wanted.

“No I mean what. What attacked you?” pried Jack.

“I don’t know... it was someone taller than me... I didn’t see.”

He was breathing heavily now, the thought of the “what” was scaring him. If the “what” could take him out then who else could it…had it taken someone out? Even possibly killed?

“Leave, please?” whispered Andy.

“Y peth ymosododd arnot ti. Mae e mynd i ymosod ar pobol eraill, dwed wrtho ni beth ti’n gwybod?” asked Ianto softly.

“You wouldn’t believe me.”

“Try us,” replied Jack.

“Bigger than me, about nine feet high, someone…something that could rip through several layers. It smelt like…like… baw bwdr.”

Once he’d finished talking he could tell the other two were worried just by looking at them. He’d seen it before same type of look before, Gwen had used it on him when they had come for the Roman soldier.

“Right, thank you. Now Ianto here is gonna stay with you, just in case this ‘what’ has followed you here.”

He just nodded, he really couldn’t do much more than that now.

“What about you, sir?” asked Ianto.

“I’m gonna find it,” answered Jack opening the door. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

With a wink and a flourish of coat Jack was gone, leaving Andy alone with Ianto. Closing his eyes he hoped what ever was going on would end soon.

“Is your arm supposed to be bleeding?” asked Ianto.


“Your arm.”

Opening his eyes, he glanced at the shirt covered appendage, he swore. It was obvious that he had pulled a stitch out from the wound when he had moved earlier.

“No, it’s not,” replied Andy, leaning forwards. “I should get something for it.”

His head ached horrendously now and wouldn’t let him move too much. Groaning, he pinched the bridge of his nose with his good arm and ended up half on half off the chair.

“Do you have anything to take care of the bleeding?” asked Ianto, as he helped Andy sit back in the chair.

“Should have something, somewhere.”

“I’ll see what I can find.”

He heard Ianto move and he must have blacked out for a few moments, as the next thing he knew, his shirt sleeve was being rolled up. Opening his eyes, he saw that Ianto was knelt at the chairs side, unwrapping the sodden bandage, exposing the gash underneath.

“You should really be in hospital,” commented Ianto.

“No, they already discharged me once.”

“Did they?  Or did you discharge yourself?” challenged Ianto smiling.

“Maybe both.”

“As bad as Jack,” mumbled Ianto shaking his head. “Were you given anything to help with your head?”

Andy nodded to the coffee table, “on the table.”

He watched as Ianto got the drugs for him, along with a glass of water. Taking them he smiled his thanks, and took the pain killers, before handing the water back. Closing his eyes he could slowly feel the pain killers taking effect, although he knew they would only last a little while.

As he was slipping asleep, he vaguely felt a blanket being draped over him, he gave a lopsided smile. At least he wasn’t alone now.

fandom: torchwood, fanfiction

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