FanFiction: To Forget

Aug 28, 2008 21:50

Title: To Forget
Pairing: Jack/Ianto.
Rating: R
Summary: The price of forgetting can be devastating.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were mine and never were mine!
Author's Notes: Posting chapter 2 tonight as I totally forgot to add a summary for chapter one!! Big thanks to madtheo for beta'ing this, seriously it wouldn't sound half as good without her!!
Warnings: Darkish.

Chapter 1 - The Chase

Chapter 2 - 48 hours Earlier.

The rare silence of the Hub was a cool balm to Ianto’s ears. He liked it when it was like this; placid silence so complete that he could hear Myfanwy snoozing away, high up in the rafters.  It also awarded him a respite from having to hear Jack and Gwen laughing with each other, or catch Owen’s snide remarks to him or Tosh, or even Tosh’s sighs when Owen went off on a rant about one thing or another.

It was peaceful and he gloried in it. He wasn’t sure where the others were, exactly; they were out on a ‘weevil retrieval’ and hadn’t checked in for a while. Not that he had wanted to go with them; he’d had enough of going out into the field for while. So since the team was out, Ianto had taken the opportunity to go round and tidy up, trying to make the area resemble an effectual workspace instead of a pig sty.

He was planning on going back up to the Tourist Office, as he could monitor the computers from up there as well, when he heard one of the terminals beep. Going over to the computer in question, he keyed in a quick command and brought up the newest readings on the rift; but instead of a record of electrical impulses and wave lengths, it seemed that something else was trying to come through.

It took a while for the message to translate; it looked like it had at least three different layers of coding blocking its access. Ianto was generally a patient man, but waiting for an unknown inter-stellar missive was always something to get a little concerned about. Often times they were only snippets of alien dialogue or communiqués from times unknown, but occasionally there was a threat of war, the promise of worldwide domination. It was no surprise to Ianto to feel his tension increase the longer he had to sit and wait for the completed transmission. As the information finally began to appear on his screen, he noticed that there were few lines that didn’t make much sense once converted into English, but he got the gist of it. Someone was asking for help. Someone who had signed the message with various odd symbols standing in for the signature.

Biting his lip slightly, he shook his head; he had to make a decision and quickly. Writing down the co-ordinates that had been given in the message, a twenty-minute walk from his current location, he stuffed the piece of paper into his pocket.

“Jack?” he said, tapping at the Bluetooth in his ear.

He knew Jack would be highly unimpressed if he didn’t let him know where he was heading. When all he got was static in reply, he tried a couple of more times before figuring that the team was out of range. Getting to his feet, Ianto wrote a note and slipped it onto Jack’s desk before leaving the Hub.

It was clear and bright out, for once, and the hot sun beating down on his neck made him feel uncomfortable in his suit. It wasn’t even midday yet, and there were people already taking jackets off.

He smiled as he passed several nodding acquaintances in the streets; the sun always seemed to bring the more pleasant people out. His friendly demeanour didn’t give away the slight panic he was feeling, however, as he continued to hurry through the streets.

As he neared his destination, he found that the crowds of people had thinned to just the odd body or two and even they weren’t hanging around for long. His hand twitched, wanting to take the gun from its holster, but he was still in a fairly public place. Even Torchwood couldn’t wave their guns around in abandon, well, not without drawing too much attention to themselves and they had enough publicity as it was.

Rounding the corner, he realized he was walking into a dead end. He turned to go back but several people were blocking his way. Now he took the gun out, preparing himself for fight, if need be, when he heard someone laughing.

“You aren’t going to need that, Ianto Jones!”

Ianto’s eyes widened; he knew that voice. He knew that voice all too well, but it couldn’t be possible - it just couldn’t! As the people blocking the alley slowly drifted away, he gripped the gun tighter.


fandom: torchwood, fanfiction

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