FanFiction: To Forget.

Aug 28, 2008 18:29

Title: To Forget
Pairing: Jack/Ianto (Do I write anything else)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Ain't mine, never were mine and probably never will be mine!

Authors notes: Okay, seriously I should stop reading the back of films for inspieration, I was reading the back of a film called Eden Log (not a very good film) and well this kinda happened. I have to say that this is my first Torchwood Fic since...a few months so you all gotta appreciate it may not be my usual standards!! This is also a Chaptered Fic, it has 13 Chapters altogether! Enjoy. It also flicks between past and present chapters. I will try to warn for each chapter what it's set in etc, so hopefully it won't be too confusing for you guys.
Warnings:  Dark-ish, Not a Happy Ending Per say.

Chapter 1 -The Chase

The rain was coming down hard now, the drops beating out a rapid staccato rhythm as they hit the once dry, dusty concrete. In the distance, if one were to listen closely enough, the low, rumble of thunder could be heard. The sky had darkened now, as more clouds gathered overhead.

Down one of the alleys lay a man shivering as the cold water hit his hot skin. He could feel the rain as it began to soak through his clothes, cooling him. He didn’t dare move though, not since…well, he shuddered to remember that particular thing.

Huddling further into the corner, he tried to make himself invisible, tried to hide from prying eyes. He ran a hand through soggy hair, struggling to remember what he’d done.

Everything was blank; he couldn’t remember a thing. He had woken up and been told to run, so he’d ran, dodging through crowded streets, bumping into passer-bys who shouted at him. He wasn’t sure if he was still being chased, but he didn’t want to stop and take the risk of letting someone, or something, behind him catch up. He wasn’t even sure if the person following him was…well…human? But then he reasoned with himself that of course whoever was following him had to be human.

“You can’t hide. I know you’re down here.”

The voice was loud in the quiet alleyway, and he let out a startled gasp. They had finally found him, and this time he couldn’t get away. He held his breath, hoping if he stayed still and quiet enough the person would leave.

“Now come on, this isn’t playin’ nicely,” said the voice tauntingly. “I can give you back what I took, if I must.”

Frowning, he shook his head; there was nothing he had given this person. He closed his eyes as he saw what he thought was a memory flash in his mind, but it was gone before he could grasp hold of it.

“I know you’re confused, but I can make it right.”

“H-How?” he asked his voice quivering.

“You just need to trust me,” came the voice softly.

Breathing heavily, he slowly got to his feet, his legs burning slightly from the earlier running. His clothes felt heavy now that they were wet through. He was scared; yet he stepped forward into a patch of light, staring at the person in front of him.

“You chased me,” he said.

“Only to make sure you would not come to any harm.”

“What did you take, exactly?” he asked, shifting uncomfortably under the intense stare. There was something about the way the person was looking at him that made him want to turn and bolt. To run and never look back: it was like some kind of ingrained instinct screaming at him.

The person smiled. “I took you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I took your life.”

He was shaking even more now, not from the cold this time, but from the anger coursing through him. The person stood in front of him, smiling as if it were some game that was taking place.

His growing rage made him really wish he hadn’t thrown the gun away earlier. He stepped forward, clenching his fists.

“Give it back!”

“It doesn’t work that way,” she snapped.  “Let’s just say this is payback for a mutual friend of ours.”

He let out a growl before taking a swing at the figure in front of him. His adversary was quicker, however, and he was pushed onto his back, the water on the ground seeping further into his already saturated clothing.

The silhouette stood over him, a thin streak of light from a lamppost illuminating the vicious smile playing on their face, before she dropped down to her knees and ran a hand through his wet hair.

“So pretty; I see why he likes you,” she crooned, leaning forward so she could whisper to him. “Give him this message if you see him first. The debt is not paid and I will be coming for the others shortly.”

Before he could reply, the person swiftly stood and disappeared from the alleyway, leaving him panting and lying in a puddle. He looked at the rain filled sky, wondering just what he had done to deserve that. Just who he was, exactly.

For now, he had to keep moving; it wasn’t going to do him any good to lie there in the rain. Stiffly getting to his feet, he started off down the road.

fandom: torchwood, fanfiction

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