1. My sarcastic humour seems to have left me for good. I am no longer funny.
2. I seem to have lost the ability to make small talk. Or perhaps i never did have it. The thing is, it's a rather important skill in life.
3. Vocabulary is down the drain. The need to memorize an entire thesaurus has arised.
4. Putting sentences together to sound good was a
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n no u're NOT!!!! (to whatever u said that put urself down) ><
my bday oso passed me by without much ado lar... im so used to it dee lor... haha... i guess its not such a big deal for me to celebrate life anymore... =(
n u reli lucky that dumbass dropped ur bag... if not u cry die man... fone kena rampas agen... =\
but i wanna watch it!!! *sob* can lar...i ponteng sat class oni lor... XD
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