Title - Tainted Innocence
Setting - Los Angeles
Author -
goth_huntressChapter - one
Rating - R
Word Count - 494
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____________Chapter One__________________
The door to the old movie theatre was locked, but that didn't stop Caleb. He gripped the heavy chain that was wrapped around the double doors and wrapped them around his fists. With a quick yank, he popped the links letting them fall to the ground like a spineless snake. He shoved his shoulder against the heavy fire door, and let fresh air flood the building for the first time in over twenty years.
"Well now, that wasn't too hard," he said as he brushed the flakes of rust from his hands and stepped inside. The fresh air had done little to thin the stench mold and rat feces. His deep blue eyes flickered over the lobby, and he grinned as a family of rats scurried over and through a broken popcorn machine. "Come on in. Y'all got work to do boys."
A trio of bringers clustered into the lobby, their brown cloaks hanging heavily over their slender bodies. They turned rune carved eyes toward their master and waited for him to tell them what he wanted them to do.
"Clean this shit hole up," Caleb said as he kicked a rat carcass across the lobby. "Ain't a proper place to set up shop, and we wouldn't want the First to be embarrassed."
The First's Chosen One made his way into the theatre auditorium through another pair of doors. These were broken and hung at odd angles. Caleb stepped through carefully and walked down the right aisle of the grand old theatre. The seats were covered in mold with stuffing and springs poking free. He stepped in a puddle from one of the many leaks in the roof. "Well now ain't you a fixer upper?"
He smiled as he brushed his fingers over a section of seats that were covered in rust red stains that had nothing to do with rain or rat piss. Caleb closed his eyes and let the images of the murders that had taken place in the auditorium fill his head. As he watched the tragedy unfod behind his eyelids, his grin grew. He watched as a man stormed into the theatre, his face filled with rage and his hands filled with a semi-automatic pistol that he used to shoot his cheating wife, her lover and then finished emptying the gun into the people who'd been unlucky enough to sit too closely to the cuckolding couple.
"Cheater's never prosper," the defrocked Priest chuckled darkly as he approached the remnants of the theatre's screen. Behind it he could see the old stage where live shows had been played out until moving pictures had supplanted them. Once again visions of murder and mayhem filled his head. An angry starlet shoved aside by her young understudy, their hair twisted into elaborate Victorian styles spat out in rage at each other, until the older woman pulled a knife and plunged it into her understudy's breasts. "I knew this was a good place for you."
Caleb left the bringers to their work cleaning up the theatre. He was hungry, and in the mood for a good burger. Afterward, he thought he might see if he could find someone in need of a little salvation too. It'd been a long time since he'd had his hands coated in hot blood. He was in Los Angeles, a perfect place to find followers and dirty girls who needed to be punished.
"I do hope it's a good place for a burger too," he said as he headed towards the lights of downtown.