Title: all your children here in their rags of light
nowgoldFandom: buffy the vampire slayer/angel the series (no comics)
Genre: f/f, m/f, baby
Word Count: 15219
Rating: pg-ish
Characters/Pairings: Connor, Original Female Character, Original Female Character 2, Wesley, Gunn, Giles, Angel, Spike, Original Male Character
Warnings/Spoilers: (if any - PLEASE warn for anything that might be triggering) children in jeopardy, violence
Author's Note: Thanks to
templemarker for beta,
annaalamode for inspiration and audiencing. Title from Leonard Cohen's If It Be Your Will. Micah & Autumn are 'based' on
Jourdan Dunn & Karlie Kloss (link goes to an image on tumblr, sfw) but only physically and to some extent, career-wise.
Summary: And then they were all talking and more girls came over because everyone smoked and Micah knew she would have to wait to talk about her impending doom and all the demons converging on Once later. Later, later, she thought. Those Slayers Giles had sent had better make sure no one touched her daughter. This was just the first wave, two giggly girls who could lift a truck watching the most important baby in the world.
Except she was only supposed to be important to Micah. And Autumn, who took the role of Godmother very seriously.
Link to fic:
1. 2.Link to art: (will be edited in when completed.)