Title: One In a Million
enwashianFandom: Firefly/Buffy crossover
Genre: het
Word Count: 17343
Rating: R (for Chinese swear words and some drinking)
Characters/Pairings: Mal/Faith
Warnings/Spoilers: This is set after Serenity (BDM) and somewhere in the last season of Buffy. All the Chinese is either found at
this really cool site or using Google Translator. Please don't think that it's exactly correct because I don't know Chinese any more than Faith does.
Author's Note: I've finished something! Imagine my surprise! I would like to thank
imagine_that and
brendanm720 for putting up with my "I'll have the rest to you tomorrow" attitude through most of this. I certainly made you wait for a lot of tomorrows! I would also like to think
entwashian for the very cool fanmix and mannip she made for this story. There is nothing more cool in this life than having someone make something for a story I write. Thank you so much! Last but not least, this is for all my fellow browncoats at
whedonland. It's true that I will do anything to get points for my team (save for making vids because I still don't know how to do that) and without that drive, I never would have completed this.
Summary: Thanks to a strange box that Kaylee found in a junkyard, Faith finds herself pulled from the world of vampire slaying that she knows so well only to land onboard Serenity in a time well out of her own. She’s surprised when the crew accept her so easily but even more surprised when the captain seems to find her as intriguing as she finds him. Mal has lost a lot of people in his life but when he loses Faith, he loses more than a friend. He loses the one girl who might be the perfect fit for his heart and soul. Will he find her again after Kaylee sends her back to where she came from and, if he does, will she return his feelings?
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