Lately I've been acquiring way more music than I can possibly listen
to. It's silly really, but I'm a silly man so I don't worry about it
too much.
The first music genre that seems to really have popped up out of the
internet generation seems to be the mush-up. I'm considering both the
crazy mix style of folks like Kid 606 and things like Danger Mouse's
Grey Album to be mash-ups here. The biggest problem with this genre is
that it is one that requires some sort of deejaying or computer
production experience to do in a half-decent manner and most of the
idiots who do it have all of about two weeks experience including the
project they just made. So for the most part the music sucks because it
is technically a mess. I was having one of my usual spending way too
much time poking around the internet for new music type of days (I was
raping actually) when I stumbled across the Kleptones
"Yoshimi Battles the Hip-hop Robots" album. I was excited about it, but
I don't really listen to anything until it's on my ipod so I didn't
actually get around to listening to it until this morning on the bus.
Usually these types of projects are good for a solid listen or two just
to see what people tried to so, but they have no real longevity...too
much gimmick. This one on the other hand actually seems like it might
be worth listening to a few times. I won't tell you which acapellas
were used as the surprise is half the fun, but almost every song made
me smile like a big idiot on the bus. Good fun!