Fic: "He Hasn't Fucked Me" (1/1)

Apr 24, 2004 22:42

Title: He Hasn't Fucked Me
cowritten by josselin and seperis
Spoilers: through S3, parts of it are set in a kind of AU generic S4
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Emmett
Summary: Who can summarize this? It's so incredibly random.
Author's Note: Thanks to Rikka and J for editing.

My comments on the stylistic flaws within: )

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joesther April 24 2004, 22:33:43 UTC
As a diehard B/J'er, I thought I'd hate this, but because I really do love Emmett, I figured I'd give it a shot, and surprise surprise, I really, really liked it. Yeah, I'm not into that whole "friends as tricks" thing, but Emmett was so sweet when Justin caught them (poor Justin, but he handled it soooo wonderfully - I can so see him dying of laughter on the toilet, and then playing footsie with Brian under the table while they're eating!) and it was such a funnily embarassing situation that I couldn't decide who I was more embarassed for: Emmett or Justin ( ... )


josselin April 24 2004, 22:40:49 UTC
Thanks for commenting. I'm glad our fic managed to capture you despite some initial hesitations. I love constructive criticism of all types, so I'm excited here. But when I think of Emmett, I think of how he cheated on Ted with Dijon, and how he fucked with the Gay as Blazes couple even when he was convinced that they were the epitome of monogamy. I think a lot of the problems with characterizing him come from the show, which sort of alternately treats him seriously and comically? So he's not totally consistent even to begin with. But I think that the Gay as Blazes naked maid thing at least establishes that his will power is not always at the same level as his moral standards, which is what we were trying to establish here with his reluctant giving in to Brian (though it's quite possible it didn't work!). :)

Thanks again for taking the time to write our your feedback.


joesther April 24 2004, 22:51:55 UTC
Thanks for replying. I always enjoy a good character conversation ( ... )


josselin April 24 2004, 22:59:50 UTC
We'll probably have to agree to disagree on Emmett. I don't think he and Justin are particularly close. We rarely see them together, and one thing that I noted is that in 220 or something, when Emmett is talking to Michael about his feelings for Ted, he's saying how he has feelings for Ted, warm fuzzy ones, like the ones he has for Michael, or even Brian, sometimes. He doesn't mention Justin at all ( ... )


joesther April 24 2004, 23:08:28 UTC
It's always so interesting to me how different people see the same things in different ways. Not 'right' or 'wrong': just different. I guess it's like the whole 'shipping' thing, too. You wonder, at times, how someone could be watching the same show/reading the same book as you are, and yet shipping a completely different ship than you are. But it's a matter of respect and maturity to realize that even though you might see things in a completely different way, it's not a question of being 'right' or 'wrong', it's a question of respecting the other person's point of view and learning from what they have to say ( ... )


josselin April 24 2004, 23:10:06 UTC
It is interesting to talk about these things with people who don't yell "Shut up!" at me every five seconds. *grins* It's been a fun little convo. Let me know if you have any really cool Emmett revelations in the future. :)


joesther April 24 2004, 23:16:52 UTC
Will do. I love Emmett. I love how he's so "no apologies, no regrets", yet in a very different way than Brian is. And I love dissecting the characters as well. :D


olimakiella January 15 2012, 08:41:07 UTC
I'm sorry to but in here, but I just had to comment on this. I think I just read the most mature, most compelling conversation based on a difference of opinion. I think I'll move into this corner of fandom. Is anywhere up for rent or purchase?


teisfortiger April 24 2004, 23:24:34 UTC
I think the reason some people have the tendency to think of Justin and Emmett as friendly, is mostly due to the first season. Emmett called him Baby on occasions; there was that time he put his arms around Justin and kissed his cheek; he was the one that got Justin ready for the prom ( ... )


josselin April 24 2004, 23:27:20 UTC
Yes, I think of Justin and Emmett being close as much more of a fanon thing than a canon thing.


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