Yesterday I have one of these days. Normally when I get up in really bad mood my day ends well. Yesterday is was worse and worse and worse. Nothing serious. Just enough for being frustrated but not enough for weeping. As far as I know, it should have go and get drunk (just a little), but there were no opportunity. But today... it is better! Better mood in the morning , no work to go (just to do, but I can easy deal with it).
I am still grateful that times of depression are gone (and still little worried about come back, but now I get rid of prejudice and go to doctor for some drugs). Now I have plan - I print out some fanfiction (I found
McKay/Sheppard Fan Awards site! If I have top-ten of things destroying dark days, this will be in it (now I have, check #10 :-))), take a bath and in the evening maybe little full-moon-party. Or story-writing. I still have my WIP about dead Sirius, angel and Regulus/Peter. It is pretty weird story. Sirius is in underworld and meets somebody like angelic social worker. He find out, that he should become guardian angel for Peter, who had romantic feelings for him, but sleep with Regulus... OK, it looks stupid, but I still hope, that it won't be.
Actual top-ten of things destroying dark days:
1) new
thefourthvine recs
2) new comment for my stories
3) new story by my favorite author
4) McShep story in Czech language (still no one, and there are only one archive, where slash is prohibited!)
5) new part of
Útěky6) new part of
Návrat krásného prevíta7) new
Budeč story
8) little things, that sometimes happen and are amazing for no reason
9) beer (sometimes vine)
10) new source of good stories