Friday - Chiropractor 9am, call from school transportation 9:30am. Zoe's bus hit by a van. She's at Children's Hospital with 2 other kids. 3 hours in emergency while they run tests and do x-rays. Luckily she's fine. Went to her school to pick up her book bag which was left on the bus. Apparently only 2 children made it to school that day on the bus
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I hate when I work past the point where it doesn't make any sense to go eat. Zoe's staying after school today for a study group which means no bus home -- and I have to pick her up at 4pm. I might as well wait until then because I know she'll be hungry too.
Since Zoe got out of school, she's been to Las Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale for a week, back to Vegas, camp in Julain for a week and now she's been at her BFF's house since Wednesday. She's not coming home until Sunday
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I feel totally rested after this weekend. I stayed in Friday to watch Mansfield Park. I've had it from Netflix for 2 whole months! Loved it
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Zoe, Chris and I had plans to see Pan's Labyrinth last night. She wasn't feeling well so she opted to stay home and go to bed early. She caught a mild cold Monday. Sniffles and such. She couldn't breathe through her nose but otherwise nothing major. Yesterday she started complaining about shortness of breath. This morning she was wheezing so I took
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Zoe woke me at 6am this morning with breakfast in bed. Berry Special K, OJ and toast with sugarless boysenberry jam. She put the milk in a separate glass this time so the cereal wasn't soggy. Aw. Too bad it was 2 hours before my alarm was scheduled to go off. lol
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I had a parent/teacher conference with Zoe's teachers on Wednesday. The good news is that she's reading above her level. Finally! She's reading. I'm so happy about this. Bad news is that she NEVER does her home work. We can work on this. Even worse is that she won't read or write ANYTHING in French. She's had a new teacher for 3 weeks and she won't
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zoecat broke her laptop about a month ago. I've been lagging on calling Dell about repairs. Zoe tried to jump OVER the laptop but landed on it. Nice. My warranty expires at Christmas. I'm not sure if it covers accidental damage. I keep meaning to call but I never have my account info handy to I lag
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This year Zoe's school changed her bus schedule so that I have to drop her off and pick her up from an elementary school in the neighborhood. It's been hell because it's not like there aren't already a million other parents dropping and picking up kids from the school. They have to add a bunch more schools to the mix
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