
Aug 27, 2006 20:30

Well well,
My summer was pretty much work and little play. I worked my first whole summer and it was anything but easy. My boss and the people I worked with were amazing though, I love every last one of them. Especially Jose. He pwns. I think of him as one of my good friends because I can tell him anything I want to and he listens, even if he has no idea what Im talking about.

This weekend (including Thurs. & Fri.), sucked my balls because I had to help the college kids move back in from summer break. I got $0 in tips, but tons of bruises and popped blood vessels to admire.

Friday was fun because Angel and I went out to dinner. Haha, that was a good time. We should do it more often. Then on Saturday Angel & Taylor went to a dance without their awesome boyfriends. That was kinda lame...'specially since Angel didn't tell me about it! Jerk. Then I woke up today and Dave was like "d00d, Josh, do you recognize this number?" and that's how today started, and it was very boring the rest of the day. Oh, and I HATE Adrianna. Brandon from work is a funny guy. "Whatchu know about dat?" haha.

Tomorrow is my first day of college. Woooo. Can't wait to take piano classes and having half-days year round is pretty kickass too. Im excited about that.

Bouts to go play halo some more.

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