worst day ever!

Jul 30, 2005 16:12

Friday, July 29th was the worst day ever.

We had a show that day. The day started like this.

Josh and Randy came over and we packed our shit up and left to pick up Zack at around 2.
We left Zacks house and went to pick up As It Fails which was a total disaster.

- Driving down peace road to go to 88, and forget I need change for tolls. Have to take a detour to the bank down the street and open the door through the drive up window and get out cause the window doesnt roll down. I got my change and I was going to turn left when I realized I needed to go right (these little mistakes add up in the end, you'll see), so I turn right and we head to 88.
- I have to again open the car door to throw the change in the toll cause the window is broken.
- Drivin' down 88 for what seems to be a really really long time. COme to find out we passed our exit (route 47).
- We take the next exit after the toll (that I have to open the door to pay) and stop at the White Hen Pantry to ask for the quickest way to route 30. This whole time Randy and Josh have no idea whats going on cause they are in the car behind us.
- The lady tells us how to get to Montgomery where As It Fails is located.
- We get in the relative area and Im talking to Nick (drummer of AIF) on the phone. He tells me where to turn and I passed it right up and had to turn around. Got back on track and he goes "hey is that you in the white car?" and Im like "yeah" and he's like "oh well take a right" So, we quickly find out he was seeing a different car so he meets us at the corner of the next street.
- We get to his house and load their shit up and its like 3 30 and we have to be at the venue by 4...not gonna happen. We get everything loaded and the the bass amp wont fit in the trunk! SO we have to tie the trunk down with string and hope it doesnt fly open.
- Everyones with us and we are on the way to the venue...AIF gets a call from Matt their guitarist who had to work and was gonna drive later to the show. He calls and says that they are on their way, BUT! and thats a big but, A propane semi flipped over on the road they were on!! They werent moving at all. Later on, a semi driver falls asleep on the same road, slowing down traffic even more.
- We keep going towards our destination filled with missed turns and wrong turns.
- I get a call from Dave on the way there. He just got off of work and He tells me he has to get on the tri state and it will take him about 2 hrs. At this time its about 4:15 and we're already late. Our set starts at 6. I tell him just to start going and get moving and try to be here.
- We take the off ramp and woulve passed the venue but the guys spotted it. Its Directly when you get off of the ramp and they dont tell you to turn at the tight to get to the place.
- So we finally make it to the venue...
- NO ONE IS THERE! Theres like 2 bands there. And both of our bands As It Fails and Yesterday Was Forgotten are missing members. WTF??!! No one is there to watch the show either. So we all go and chill at these picnic tables and chit chat for a few. Not really pissed just aggrivated.
- All this aggrivation makes us hungry so we go on a "AIF & YWF Go to White Castle" trip.
- We head out in search for a White Castle, nothing in site except for factories and swamp in Joliet! We decide to turn around and go back to the venue. A few people have showed up by now but no bands. The guy from Buried Beneath Fate tells us about the band situation and his band member tells us if we would have went the other direction less than a minute down the road is a White Castle. HAHA. What luck.
- So they walk off and we decide to go the opposite direction to White Castle...time being around 5:45ish. We all order our food and Matt calls. He's almost there! We eat our food and right when we're finished Dave calls! and he's almost there. Everything seems to be great! Until we look at the time...dun dun dun. Dave calls back asking where to go from off the ramp since it doesnt tell you to turn right at that light remember?!? So here I am talking to Dave and trying to go out in front of traffic to meet him there so he doesnt get lost and a fuckin car is about to nail us from the drivers side so I go forward but realize I have the car in reverse and almost slam into Randy. The people finally let us out and we head back to the venue to meet a pissed off Dave. The time is 6:15 right when our set was supposed to end. We figure we're fucked.
- We all go to the front to see whats up and if we'll still be able to play. The guy says yes but our set will be shorter, Matt shows up! Everything seems good!...again. Its time for As It Fails to go on.
- As It Fails tears that mother up!!! god I love those guys.
- Then its our turn...
- We are using their equipment. All I hear is bass and Josh doesnt know some of the songs so he emprov's and I am used to playing with Randy anyway and I cant hear him AT ALL! We were off timing so much cause they didnt even have monitors. I didnt have a ride cymbal, My glasses fell off and I missed a beat, The snare drum was up to high so I kept doing rimshots, Blastbeat rimshots dont sound to good trust me. It was pretty much a disaster.
- We clear off and this wierd ass band called Widdle Monsters plays and they get annoying real fast.
- Desecrate the Hour got on and tore it up! Those guys are amazing. But, they have one major flaw. Stuck up, inconsiderate, cocky, assholes. They were crying cause they could only play one more song instead of two! boo hoo! They were rich bastards too. They had 3 full stacks and the drumset was well over 4 grand or so. They also had roadies and body guards not only to guard them but to pack up their shit for them too in some huge ass Uhaul trailor. Damn. They didnt even watch any of the bands either. They just set back by themselves away from everyone. Then they played and left. Fucks.
- The Moments Fade Forever got on and played some Dead To Fall, that owned!
- After that, the headliners were supposed to play. Desecrate the Hour got pissed and yelled at them cause they couldnt play two songs...and then the headlining band couldnt even play because they were closing down the building!!! What the fuck! I hope those fuckers feel like shit. We told Buried Beneath Fate we'd get them on one of our shows cause we felt bad.
- So the show comes to an end. We go to leave and my car wont fucking start. Everyone tries to get it to start and it wont start! Zack tried before so he could roll the windows up. And nothing. The keys wouldnt turn and the steering wheel wouldnt budge. So we called Darrell (My moms ex boyfriend) to come out with the original key cause I had a spare so we figured the original with the censor chip in it might start the SOB. Darrell got there around 12 and nope nothing happend. He called to get it towed and it was gonna cost a fortune so we took the valuables out, covered the windows with a motorcycle cover and left the car there.
- On the way home we witnessed two cops walk out of the gas station with their coffee. Fuckers dont even have to pay for their coffee.

FUN TIMES!! WOOO! Darrell went today and got the car and now its sitting in the driveway and still not working.

DJ brought a couch to my house and said he was storing it in my driveway. Crazy bastard, now its in the garage.

The End!
Ill have pictures from the show and before and afters...later on.
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